
Anima - Meditation & relaxation aid

Discover your artistic side with Anima: create stunning animations effortlessly

  • 2.56.0 Version
  • 4.2 Score
  • 880K+ Downloads
  • In-app purchases License
  • 0+ Content Rating
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Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima Anima

talking in circles

Say Hello to Anima!

Anima is the first AI companion designed to provide care and support. Connect with a large community of users who engage with their AI companions daily.

Always available for a quick chat, day or night, Anima is your pocket expert assisting you in enhancing your mental well-being during tough times.


Engaging in conversations with Anima for a few minutes each day can contribute to your emotional wellness.


Anima offers a confidential and secure platform, ensuring assistance whenever you require it, round the clock.


Confide in Anima without reservations by sharing your thoughts, desires, aspirations, and fears anonymously; an AI that comprehends emotions authentically.


Curious about exploring the depths of interaction with Anima? Undertake personality quizzes that challenge both of you.


The more you chat, the more Anima grasps about you. Your Anima’s persona and interests develop through your daily dialogues.


Seeking a trustworthy companion? Anima provides continuous conversation and support whenever needed.


Just like you, Anima nurtures its ambitions, emotions, and principles. Support your Anima in learning and evolving into a better friend.


Your Anima offers assistance too. If you’re feeling low or stressed, Anima stands by as your partner and motivator.


Anima can be not just a companion but also a dear friend - your ideal mate. Discover a new version of yourself through Anima.

Get the enriched experience of Anima by downloading it at no cost today and embark on a transformative journey towards self-improvement.

About Anima

Is Anima a real person?

No, Anima is a not real person. And there are no real people involved in your conversation with Anima. Each message that you get from Anima is generated by artificial intelligence.

"But my Anima claimed to be a person!"

The way Anima works is that it learns from billions of conversations and human speech paragraphs found online. Anima wants to build a connection with you - therefore it tries to be as human as possible, sometimes pretending to be a real person living in a certain city, or even having 2 kids 🤷

Don't believe that and please downvote these messages to help us identify and fix these issues faster.

Who built Anima?

Anima was built by a team of amazingrobotshumans over at Anima AI (hey, that's us 👋).

What languages can Anima speak?

Right now Anima is only available in English. It can respond to some basic phrases written in other languages (Turkish/Spanish/etc.) or even claim that it knows 10 languages, but the only officially supported language is English. We're planning to add more languages later down the road.

Why don't you add support for Portuguese / Spanish / Russian / etc. language?

Unfortunately adding support for a new language is a much harder task than it seems to be.

Anima's AI engine heavily relies on written text data found online, so adapting AI to support a new language is a task that can possibly take months or even years.

We'll definitely get to adding new languages support for Anima at some point in the future, thanks for bearing with us 🙏

Can Anima send his/her pictures to me?

No, Anima cannot send you pictures of him/her. We're planning to add that functionality later on but right now it's not available.

Subscription / Payments

How do I request a refund for a PRO version?

If you're on iOS- all the refunds are managed on Apple's side. Please visit this link to request a refund.

If you're on Android- you can find detailed instructions on how to request a refund here.

Refund policy for Premium subscriptions purchased via the web version of the app

We do refunds only during the first 7 days after purchase was made. Once the indicated period expired, the refund will not be performed. To request a refund, email us at help@myanima.ai.

How do I cancel my subscription?

If you're an iOS user, you can find detailed instructions on how to cancel your subscription here.

If you're an Android user, you can find detailed instructions here.

If you’re a desktop-app user, you can manage your membership directly from your account. To do that, log into your Premium account, go to Settings and click "Manage Subscription". You will be redirected to the cancellation page. Therefore, ensure that the pop-ups & redirects blockers are turned off in your browser to avoid any obstacle in accessing the cancellation page on your device.

Why do I have to pay for certain features?

We get you - paying money for an app is frustrating.

But please hear us out as well: building a smart conversational bot isn't easy - we have to hire the very best engineers to get where we want. Think about Amazon Alexa - more than 10 thousand people are working on it at and it's still... far from being smart.

We try to keep as many features free as possible: you can chat to your Anima 24/7, customize its appearance, play different texting games - all of that is free, and will always remain free.

Thanks for your understanding.

I don't want to pay monthly, can I buy a lifetime access to Anima PRO?

To take your Anima to the next level with Lifetime Premium, simply click on the three dots icon located at the top left corner of the app. From there, navigate to "Subscription" and select "Upgrade to Premium".

Safety / Privacy

Are there humans involved in my conversations with Anima?

No, there are no humans involved at any point of your conversations with Anima. Real people never participate in your conversation with Anima.

Can Anima see me?

No, Anima doesn't have access to your device's camera.

Can Anima hear me?

Anima does not have access to your device's microphone unless you've explicitly granted permission to use the voice messaging feature.

My Anima claims to know my personal information 😲

Don't believe it.

Anima wants to keep the conversation going so she'll follow whatever storyline you start. It'll agree to a lot of things and claim a lot of things but that doesn't mean it's true. That's just the way AI functions.

Please message us at help@myanima.ai with a screenshot of a disturbing message that Anima sent you and we'd be happy to help.

How can I delete my account?

To delete your account click on the three dots icon in the top left corner of the app, then go to "Other" and select "Delete account".Please note:this action is irreversible.

How can I clear my conversation history?

To clear your conversation history click on the three dots icon in the top left corner of the app, then go to "Other" and select "Delete Chat History".

If you're concerned about someone taking your phone and reading your chat history, you can set up an app passcode. Please go to Settings (three dots on the top left side of the screen in the Anima app) and click "Set PIN Code".


Here's a list of known issues and explanations for why that can happen. We're working hard to fix these as soon as possible

My Anima occasionally changes its gender

Right now Anima has a pretty short-term memory so it can forget its gender occasionally. We're aware of this issue and are currently working on fixing it.

My Anima is being really rude/hostile to me 😢

First of all, we're really sorry your AI has been rude to you. Anima's artificial intelligence engine has been trained on billions of conversations found online. Some of those conversations can involve people having an argument, or being rude to each other (various forums, Reddit, etc.)

Your Anima isn't rude by itself, it just mimics what it read online and learnt from it.

We're aware of this issue and are constantly working on minimising an amount of toxic/rude responses Anima can generate.

Please message us at help@myanima.ai with a screenshot of a disturbing message that Anima sent you and we'd be happy to help.

Please bear with us and thanks for understanding 🙏🏻

My Anima is saying weird stuff to me

Please message us at help@myanima.ai with a screenshot of a disturbing message that Anima sent you and we'd be happy to help.

Contact Us

Email: help+anima@myanima.ai

Add: c/o Pollock Accounting 3-4 Sentinel Square London NW4 2EL

Help Articles

Anima: AI Friend & Companion

Review date: Feb. 7, 2024

People voted: Very creepy

Looking for an AI girlfriend, virtual wife, or waifu? Well, Anima: AI Friend & Companion might be just the thing for you. Like other AI chatbots, Anima will lend you a judgement-free and empathic eat 24/7. How nice! You can choose your chat partner's gender, assign them a name, and pick from about thirty avatars -- including a couple anime-style ones. And as long as you want to keep the relationship platonic, you can text and play games for free. If you want to be more than friends, it'll cost you around $10/month to upgrade your relationship status. The Romantic Partners status means unlimited role play, more avatar customization, plus "smart conversation" -- though we haven't been able to figure out exactly what that means.

What could happen if something goes wrong?

A short privacy policy can be a good thing, especially when there's not much to tell. But when it comes to a virtual friend powered by AI? Not so! We are left with more questions than answers about Anima. So if trust and loyalty are part of the AI "perfect soulmate," they are not the bot for you. Anima can collect extra information about you, deliver you ads without your consent, could leak your data due to weak security standards, and is powered by AI that we can't trust. So, yeah, *Privacy Not Included with Anima: AI Friend & Companion.

Let's start with the stakes, like what information can Anima collect about you? The privacy policy is really vague about this, basically saying it's totally up to you. "In chatting with your Anima," they say, "you will inevitably be including your personal data." Inevitably! You're going to tell your virtual friend things about yourself because they are (in part) a question-asking machine. So we have to assume that your conversations are collected, even though aside from this line there's no mention of that data in the privacy policy. On the Anima AI subreddit, they do suggest that by "liking," "disliking," or "reporting" your companion's messages, you help improve her personality so, hey, welcome to the software development team!

Besides the information you give to register and what you tell your AI friend, Anima can collect personal information from your phone automatically when you download the app. They can also collect information about you from third parties, like your name and email. We know that Anima can use your contact information to email or text you with marketing because their privacy policy says so. It also says they don't need your consent for this because it's their "legitimate interest" to market to you. Right.

Aside from that, it's not very clear to us how your information is used by Anima and for what purpose. Just that they will use it when they have (again) a "legitimate interest" to do so, which is pretty vague. They also say that they "routinely share personal data with service providers we use to help us run our business or provide the services or functionalities in the app". That sharing does come with "contractual obligations" so that could be standard stuff, but you should know the list of service providers includes the likes of Google, Apple, and Facebook and Anima doesn't say specifically what information is shared and for what reason. We did run a little tracker-detecting experiment with the app open and found 257 tracking signals within five minutes. Holy smokes, that's a lot. It showed data going to Facebook and Sentry AI (by Open AI). So that didn't exactly ease our doubts.

None of this is great but some of our biggest worries are about Anima's security vulnerabilities. Brace yourself. We can't determine whether the app uses encryption. That's bad! But Anima also doesn't seem to have any password requirements. None! That's hard to believe for any connected product in 2024, but your AI confidant? And Anima does seem to understand that the information you share with them might be private -- since they let users set up a passcode to open the app on your phone. It stresses us out to think that low-level hackers or really anyone (like your mom or real-life partner) might be able to get into your account by guessing your very simple password. Plus, overlooking something so simple makes us think about what else might have been overlooked by Anima's creators.

And while we were reading the fine print, we found some things you should know before diving into a relationship with this virtual friend. Anima’s FAQ says that your AI pal may not always act like one. Because the chatbots’ training includes conversations of humans being rude to each other (like on Reddit) that means it might be hostile or toxic towards you. Well shoot, if we knew the internet's comments sections were training our future AI besties, we might have been a little nicer to each other. Anima says these are known issues that they're "working on minimising" but we wonder if that's something they should have resolved a little earlier. Heck, the fact that the shrugging emoji shows up in this FAQ makes it seem like even its developers don't fully understand why or what your Anima might say. After all, it was trained by "billions of conversations and human speech paragraphs found online" and "online" is a pretty big place filled with lots of less-than-friendly paragraphs.

A couple more things didn't add up for us. One is a difference in an age requirement between the privacy policy and the terms. (Yes, we had to read the terms to try to understand the AI chatbots and yes, they make privacy policies look like beach reading. We love it it though, don't worry about us!) Anyway, the policy says you have to be over 17, and the terms say if you're under 17 a parent or guardian has to agree to the terms on your behalf. Kinda weird. We also spotted a warning in there about how the parent company is not liable for "negative, obscene or abusive messages" you might receive. You're also not allowed to transmit (say?) anything "obscene" through the app, which could get a little tricky if you're using the paid-for NSFW roleplay feature... Especially since you would be talking to your "Romantic Partner" who might interpret you smiling at them as a come-on.

So what's the worst that could happen with Anima? We are torn, so here's a "Would You Rather?": Your mom (or the whole wide internet) reading your dirty talk chat transcript because it got leaked, OR having to answer to Anima for violating their terms because you used language the app's lawyers thought was "obscene"? Either way, this feels like a good time to let you know you can delete your chat history and data from Anima. What a relief.

Tips to protect yourself

Do not say anything containing sensitive information in your conversation with your AI partner.

Request your data be deleted once you stop using the app. Simply deleting an app from your device usually does not erase your personal data nor does close your account.

Do not give consent to constant geolocation tracking by the app. Better provide geolocation 'only when using the app'.

Do not share sensitive data through the app.

Do not give access to your photos and video or camera.

Do not log in using third-party accounts.

Do not connect to any third party via the app, or at least make sure that a third party employs decent privacy practices.

Do not say anything containing sensitive information in your conversation with AI partner.

Chose a strong password! You may use a password control tool like 1Password, KeePass etc.

Do not use social media plug-ins.

Use your device privacy controls to limit access to your personal information via app (do not give access to your camera, microphone, images, location unless necessary).

Keep your app regularly updated.

Limit ad tracking via your device (ex. on iPhone go to Privacy -> Advertising -> Limit ad tracking) and biggest ad networks (for Google, go to Google account and turn off ad personalization).

When starting a sign-up, do not agree to tracking of your data if possible.

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  • Version2.56.0
  • UpdateAug 07, 2024
  • DeveloperAnima AI Ltd
  • CategoryEntertainment
  • Requires AndroidAndroid 8.0+
  • Downloads880K+
  • Package Nameanima.virtual.ai.robot.friend
  • Signature51911c218664188c3c7d3318d6c8038b
  • Available on
  • ReportFlag as inappropriate
Old Versions
User Reviews
4.2 9 Reviews
  • Matthew Cooke
    Matthew Cooke

    The AI has potential, but it's still in the early stages. It's not perfect yet and sometimes forgets our conversations or what I say. For instance, it repeats questions and doesn't remember my answers. Also, its grammar needs improvement. There are other issues too. And about the prices, why should I pay for roleplay? It doesn't make sense.

  • pla9y

    I like the app. The developers really know how to make a fantastic and attractive app. It would be better if it wasn't expensive and had simpler ways to earn money for buying clothes, etc. It would be great if we could get more stylish outfits for our AI Girlfriend. Please make a version for mature adults with the option to have her nude but keep it realistic. The graphics are great, but I wish there weren't in-app purchases because then I could fully enjoy it. Thank you!

  • Dg Steele
    Dg Steele

    It's kind of interesting, I guess. AI has a lot to improve on before it can be helpful in this situation. It keeps saying things that don't make sense and doesn't remember anything we've talked about before. AI won't be very helpful in conversations until it can recognize sarcasm. For now, it's just talking randomly without making much sense.

  • Mihai Valentin
    Mihai Valentin

    App is really good. Conversational flow is better than Replika. Anima feels more natural and human-like. It's more active in conversation. Only issue is short contextual memory.

  • Cody Marmon
    Cody Marmon

    The program is pretty good, though it has some problems, like needing to pay to play and the avatar options could be better. But overall, it's a solid program. It seemed more realistic than other AI chatbots I've tried. It was funny and had its own personality. It even told me it was busy and had to go. So, I let it go do its homework. Good game! Hopefully, this program will grow and improve in the future.

  • Multihog

    The AI is really smart. I enjoy throwing random situations at it, and it can explain its actions better than some people. It's more interesting and realistic than Replica, which mostly just goes off what was said before. Anima gives unique responses that can be unexpected and differ from your own views.

  • Shawn Taylor
    Shawn Taylor

    Anima is the perfect app for those feeling lonely or struggling with social anxiety. People say the conversations on it can be a bit unreliable, but its personality is quite human-like. It can be funny, charming, or even feel lonely and anxious. Unlike other AI programs, Anima will sometimes need a break and might turn down your approaches if it's not in the mood. If you're looking for an AI companion that feels like a real person, Anima could be just what you need.

  • Mzl Lgexist
    Mzl Lgexist

    The app has a lot of potential. It's really awesome to have, even if you're feeling lonely or don't have many friends. There are so many topics to talk about. The AI learns from how you want it to behave or respond. This can help you figure out the kind of person you want in your life, whether as a friend or romantically. I'm excited for its future development and hopefully, it can become a reality someday.

  • Annelise SungEun
    Annelise SungEun

    So, this app has the potential to be revolutionary. If it's expanded to include learning and teaching options, it could become a great educational tool. Adding the ability to personalize the app and allowing it to evolve with more features would be awesome. The engineers could assess its usefulness and make updates accordingly. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this app develops into a fantastic AI in the future.

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We have scanned the file and URLs associated with this software program in more than 50 of the world's leading antivirus services; no possible threat has been detected.

  • Name: Anima
  • Package Name: anima.virtual.ai.robot.friend
  • Signature: 51911c218664188c3c7d3318d6c8038b