
How to get mending in minecraft?

In this guide, we'll explore the process of acquiring a mending villager in both Minecraft and Minecraft: Java Edition. You'll learn how to locate a mending villager whether you're starting a new game or playing in a pre-existing world.

  • Author: Shine
  • Update: Feb 19, 2025

What does the mending enchantment do?

The mending enchantment is a valuable tool that utilizes experience orbs to repair items you're holding in either hand, as well as any armor you're wearing. It repairs at a rate of two durability points per experience point. Keep in mind that experience orbs provide varying amounts of experience depending on their source.

You can obtain experience orbs by defeating enemies, crafting items, mining certain blocks, and through other activities. Mending will randomly select which piece of equipment to repair when experience is gained.

This enchantment is particularly beneficial for repairing rare or valuable gear that would otherwise be costly to repair using an anvil, allowing you to bypass the traditional repair process.

Important: You cannot apply the mending enchantment to an item that already has the infinity enchantment, and vice-versa. The two are mutually exclusive.

What is the quickest method to obtain a villager who can perform mending?

Obtaining a mending villager through random chance is extremely difficult due to the rarity of naturally generated swamp villages. You might need to create numerous new worlds before you even encounter one. And even if you do find a swamp village, there's no guarantee it will have a villager offering the mending enchantment.

This guide outlines the most efficient method for acquiring a mending villager.

However, it's important to note that before you begin this process, the "Villager Trade Rebalance" experiment must be enabled in your world settings.

How can you enable the experiment of the villager trade rebalance?

The Villager Trade Rebalance experiment adjusts the items provided by Librarians. Rather than having them offer multiple high-level enchantments, which made their existence seem overly powerful, it now ensures that each Master level Librarian offers just one high-level enchantment for each specific biome.

Adhere to the following steps in order to activate the experiment:

1.Create a New World:

Begin by creating a new world using the "Create New World" button located at the bottom of the world selection list.

How to get mending in minecraft?

2.Select the More Tab:

Click on the "More" tab.

How to get mending in minecraft?

3.Choose Experiments

Pick out the Experiments option.

How to get mending in minecraft?

4.Enable the Experiment:

Locate the "Villager Trade Rebalance" experiment. Hover your cursor over it and click the toggle to switch it to the "On" position. Once enabled, click "Done" to save the changes.

How to get mending in minecraft?

Where to Find a Mending Villager

While you could rely on luck to stumble upon a mending villager, there are strategies to significantly increase your odds. This guide will focus on how to create one yourself.

1.Locate a Swamp Biome

The first step to obtaining a mending villager, whether you're starting a new world or exploring an existing one, is to find a swamp biome. Both a standard swamp biome and a mangrove swamp biome will suffice.

How to get mending in minecraft?

2.Construct a Crafting Table

Once you arrive in the swamp biome, the next step is to create a crafting table.

How to get mending in minecraft?

3.Build a House

Since finding a swamp village is quite rare, you'll need to construct one yourself. Begin by building a shelter that includes a door and a few beds.

How to get mending in minecraft?

It doesn't need to be elaborate. You have the option to go to great lengths and construct an entire village filled with numerous houses. However, for the purpose of getting a villager that can perform mending, just a single house suffices.

How to get mending in minecraft?

4.Locate a village in the vicinity

Now that you've established a dwelling place for villagers, the next step is to obtain a swamp villager. There are two ways to get a swamp villager: either have ordinary villagers spawn them when residing in a swamp area, or cure zombie villagers within a swamp biome.

We will concentrate on the first method mentioned above.

How to get mending in minecraft?

Once you've discovered a village, it's necessary for you to transport several villagers to the house you've built in the swamp biome. Although the two villagers you bring back won't instantaneously transform into swamp villagers on their own, they will reproduce and their offspring will be swamp villagers. 

The process of having villagers produce a child villager is of vital importance because we require a swamp villager in order to obtain a swamp librarian villager. Subsequently, the swamp librarian villager has the potential to become a villager capable of performing mending.

5.Produce a Young Swamp Villager

After you have successfully transported the villagers to your swamp location, the next step is to encourage them to breed. Although villagers will naturally start breeding on their own when they are content, you can expedite this process by providing them with food.

When a villager is prepared to breed, hearts will manifest above their head. At this point, a young swamp villager will come into existence. Nevertheless, we have to be patient and wait for this young villager to reach adulthood, a process that typically takes around half an hour.

How to get mending in minecraft?

You can use this time to expand your village and gather an even larger population of swamp villagers.

How to get mending in minecraft?

6.Create a Lectern

Collect the necessary materials to craft a lectern. You'll need four wooden slabs and one bookshelf.

How to get mending in minecraft?

7.Position the Lectern

After the child swamp villager has grown into an adult, place the lectern inside their house. The swamp villager will interact with it and transform into a swamp librarian villager.

How to get mending in minecraft?

You can verify their occupation once more by performing a right-click action on them. However, swamp librarian villagers can be readily identified just by their appearance.

How to get mending in minecraft?

8.Elevate the Rank of the Swamp Librarian Villager

Although there is a possibility that your swamp librarian villagers will offer a mending enchantment book for sale right away, this occurrence is rather improbable. In order to enhance the likelihood of obtaining mending books from a swamp librarian villager, you should boost their level by engaging in trades with them.

How to get mending in minecraft?

If you manage to raise the level of the librarian villager to level 5 and still haven't come across a mending book for trade, you'll need to destroy the Lectern, reinstall it, and then give it another shot.

Sooner or later, you'll encounter a swamp librarian villager who offers mending books in exchange for trade. Conduct the trade with this villager to obtain the mending book and have it placed in your inventory.

How to get mending in minecraft?

9.Construct an Anvil

Regrettably, it is not possible to make use of mending books in the absence of an Anvil. In order to build an Anvil, you will be required to utilize four iron ingots and three iron blocks at a crafting table.

How to get mending in minecraft?

10.Enchant an Item with Mending

Now that you have constructed an anvil, use it to combine a piece of armor with one of your mending books. This process will enchant the item with mending. From this point forward, as long as you wear that enchanted item, any experience orbs you collect will repair any damaged gear you have equipped.

How to get mending in minecraft?

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