
How to see subscribers on youtube?

Gaining new subscribers on your YouTube channel is indeed a remarkable achievement, and you're bound to feel thrilled to discover the exact number of your subscribers and learn about who they are. If you're currently pondering over the way to view your subscribers on YouTube, we're here to guide you through the process. Whether you're using a desktop computer or a mobile device, we'll demonstrate the steps to check your subscribers.

  • Author: Shine
  • Update: Mar 17, 2025

How to Check Your YouTube Subscriber Count on Desktop

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If all you want is to view your YouTube subscriber count, you can directly check it on your YouTube channel through a desktop browser.

To check the number of your YouTube subscribers through your channel:

1.Firstly, sign in to your YouTube account. 

2.Then, click on the profile icon located in the top - right corner of the web application. 

3.Next, choose “Your channel” from the dropdown menu.

How to see subscribers on youtube?

4.Check the area beneath your channel username, which is situated in the top-left corner of the page, to find out the number of subscribers you have.

How to see subscribers on youtube?

How to Find Out Who Has Subscribed to Your YouTube Channel Using YouTube Studio

Among the many convenient functions offered by YouTube Studio, being able to view the people or other channels that have subscribed to your own channel stands out. Not only does YouTube Studio provide you with a list of your subscribers, but it also offers valuable insights into the numerical growth of your YouTube channel, indicating just how successful you've been in expanding your reach.

If you want to access the list of your YouTube subscribers through YouTube Studio, the first step is to log in to your YouTube account, and then you can proceed with the following steps:

1.First, click on your profile icon situated in the top-right corner of the YouTube interface. 

2.From the options that appear, select "YouTube Studio". 

3.Once you're in YouTube Studio, look for the "Channel analytics" section. There, you will prominently see the number of your current subscribers clearly displayed in bold text.

How to see subscribers on youtube?

4.Scroll down within that particular section until you come across the "Recent subscribers" option. 

5.Directly beneath the list of subscribers presented there, click on the "See All" button.

How to see subscribers on youtube?

6.Click on the tiny dropdown arrow located in the top-right corner of the table that pops up. 

7.Then, choose the "Lifetime" option from the dropdown menu to showcase a comprehensive list of all the subscribers that are visible.

How to see subscribers on youtube?

8.To view more data, click on the “Rows per page” dropdown and select 50. After that, use the arrows at the bottom of the table to move left or right through the table. You can also sort the subscribers according to their subscription dates. Just click on the date dropdown in the top - right corner of the table.

How You Can Check Your YouTube Subscribers on a Mobile Device

If you want to view the subscribers of your YouTube channel on your mobile device:

1.Launch the YouTube application on your device. Make sure that you are signed in to your Google account. 

How to see subscribers on youtube?

2.Then, tap on the profile icon located in the top-right corner of the app interface. 

3.From the options that appear, select “Your Channel”. 

4.Once you're on your channel page, you will find the count of your YouTube subscribers displayed right beneath your channel's username.

How to see subscribers on youtube?

Ways to Check Your YouTube Subscribers through YouTube Studio on Your Mobile Phone

Although the web version of YouTube Studio allows you to access a broader range of analytics, the mobile version provides a convenient and swift means to observe how your subscriber count evolves over a specific period and keep track of your earnings. After logging into the mobile YouTube Studio, you'll immediately notice the number of subscribers you have, which is displayed directly beneath your channel's username.

How to see subscribers on youtube?

How to see subscribers on youtube?

To observe the growth of your subscribers during a specific period:

1.First, tap on the "Analytics" option located near the middle at the bottom of the screen. 

2.Then, in the "Overview" section, swipe the analytics banners to the left. 

How to see subscribers on youtube?

3.By default, you will be able to view the number of subscribers that your channel has acquired over the past 28 days. 

How to see subscribers on youtube?

4.If you wish to obtain more in-depth insights, tap on the "Subscribers" banner. 

5.Finally, to see how your channel has grown in terms of subscribers within a specific period, simply tap on any of the timeframe options available at the top of the screen.

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