Clone Armies: Battle Game
Control an army of clones in fast-paced battles

- 9022.17.10 Version
- 4.1 Score
- 11M+ Downloads
- In-game purchases License
- 7+ Content Rating
Create Doppelganger Soldiers and Lead Them into Strategic Battles in Clone Armies!
Experience the exhilarating Clone Army Games where you can clone your troops and send them into war one by one, gradually forming a powerful army. What makes Clone Armies stand out is that when a soldier dies, they respawn as a new troop who mimics your past actions, turning each death into a strategic advantage. Strategize your way through the game combining tactical planning with intense combat action.
About the game
Clone Armies: Tactical Army Game is a game made by Elecube. It's a 2D shooter with unique mechanics released on Android phones and iOS. Its most interesting characteristic is that when you die, you clone yourself again and your previous clone copy your previous movements!
Clone Armies: Battle Game Content Introduction
Clone Armies revolves around the concept of cloning your army. Players control the main character, who creates clones to form an army.
Customization: Players can select different weapons, armor, and equipment for each clone.
Leveling Up: Earn XP points and complete missions to unlock new abilities and equipment.
Game Modes
The game features two main modes: Campaign and Online.
Campaign Mode
Single-Player Experience: Fight against AI opponents across various missions with diverse objectives.
Levels: Currently has 10 levels, divided into five unique worlds, each with distinct styles and enemies.
Tutorial World: The first world serves as a tutorial for controlling the main character and the clone army.
Subsequent Worlds: Introduce new enemies such as snipers, minefields, and armored tanks.
Online Mode
Real-Time Multiplayer: Compete against players worldwide.
Quickplay: Casual mode for quick matches.
Ranked: Competitive mode where players aim to move up in rankings each season.
Customization: Players can tailor their army with a variety of weapons and equipment, including machine guns, rocket launchers, grenades, and medkits.
Game Controls
Movement: Use the joystick on the bottom left of the screen to move around.
Aiming and Firing: Swipe on the right side of the screen to aim and fire weapons.
Auto-Fire Option: Available for players who prefer it, with the ability to toggle during gameplay.
Unique Clone Mechanic: Instantly swap your current clone with another by tapping the desired clone at the bottom of the screen. This feature is crucial in battles, allowing players to switch between clones to maintain an advantage.
Tips and Tricks for Beginners
To succeed in Clone Armies: Battle Game, you need to master the game mechanics and understand the different strategies. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you dominate the battlefield:
1. Choose Your Clone Wisely
Each clone has a unique ability that makes them useful in different scenarios. For instance, the sniper clone is perfect for taking out enemies from afar, while the melee clone is great for close combat. Experiment with different clones and figure out which one works best for each level. When you unlock a new clone, try it out in a level that you've already completed to see what it's capable of.
2. Upgrade Your Clones
Upgrading your clones is essential if you want to progress through the game. The more you upgrade your clones, the stronger they become. You can improve their health, damage, and even unlock new abilities. Make sure to invest your coins and gems wisely to get the most out of each clone.
3. Focus on Your Infantry
When it comes to battles, your infantry (basic clones) are your bread and butter. They're the most abundant clones, and they're the ones that usually do the grunt work. Make sure to upgrade them as much as possible since they'll be the ones taking most of the damage. Additionally, if you're running low on coins, focus on upgrading your infantry first since they're the most important.
4. Don't Neglect Your Hero Clones
Hero clones are special clones that have unique abilities that can turn the tide of a battle. Don't neglect them since they can be very useful. Be careful not to waste their abilities, though, since they have longer cooldowns than regular clones. Save them for when you're in a tight spot or when you need to take out a particularly difficult enemy.
5. Use the Terrain to Your Advantage
The game's levels are designed with different terrains, such as hills, platforms, and obstacles. Use these terrains to your advantage by taking cover behind them or using them to jump on your enemies. For instance, you can use the terrain to dodge enemy fire and take them out while they're reloading. The better you understand the terrain, the more effective you'll be in battle.
6. Keep Moving
Moving around is essential in Clone Armies since it makes you harder to hit. Don't stay in one spot for too long since the enemy will eventually catch up to you. Instead, keep moving, jumping, and dodging. Your clones can take a few hits, but if you stay in one spot for too long, you'll get overwhelmed.
7. Don't Be Afraid to Restart
If you fail a level, don't be afraid to restart it. Sometimes it takes a few tries to figure out the best strategy. Additionally, restarting a level doesn't cost any coins, so it's always worth giving it another shot. Don't give up too quickly, since even the most challenging levels can be beaten with patience and persistence.
8. Use Different Weapons for Different Scenarios
The game features a variety of weapons, each with its strengths and weaknesses. For instance, the shotgun is excellent for close combat, while the rocket launcher can take out multiple enemies at once. Experiment with different weapons and figure out which one works best for each scenario. Additionally, don't forget to switch weapons if your current one isn't doing enough damage.
9. Watch Ads for Free Gems and Coins
If you're short on gems or coins, watch ads to earn more. The game offers a few ads each day that give you free gems and coins. Take advantage of these ads since they're an easy way to earn resources without spending any real money.
10. Don't Rush Through Levels
Finally, the most important tip is to take it slow. Don't rush through levels since you're likely to get overwhelmed and fail. Instead, take your time to analyze the situation, plan your strategy, and execute it carefully. The more patient and tactical you are, the more successful you'll be in battle.
Clones and equipment
The Clones
The clones are the characters that we control during the story mode, challenges and multiplayer, each with their own characteristics. Here's a List of Them:
The Equipment
The equipment are tools that we can use to defend ourselves in multiplayer mode, we can also fight against these tools, they are essential to deal more damage or defend us. Here's a list of them:
The story (SPOILERS)
Here we are going to tell about the most important levels, that would tell us the story.
The prologue
This is the very first level, it only has 1 clone to use which is private, it teaches us the mechanics of the game. To win we must kill every clone.
The machine
This is the 4th level of the story mode, it introduces us the enemy cloning machine, we must destroy it to win, but we also have to be careful, the cloning machine will make even more enemies, destroy it as fast as possible.
The strife
This is the 7th level of the story mode, it shows us that frederico didn't have only one single cloning machine, there are way more to destroy, to win we must destroy the enemy cloning machine.
The skywalk
This is the 8th level of the story mode, it introduces us the skywalk an area where we must pass to get to the second laboratory and it's also the last level of the first laboratory, to win we must kill every clone.
The robot
This is the first bossfight and the 12th level of the story mode, in it we must fight Frederico but he is on an old version reaper (juggernaut), and he'll also get reinforcements from other of his clones, to win we must destroy his robot.
The outpost
This is the 14th level of the story mode, it is the last skywalk level, we are located at the end of the skywalk, to win we must destroy the enemy cloning machine.
The airdrop
This is the 15th level of the story mode, it is the first level of the second laboratory, it has an interesting mechanic in which we can clone in any area of the level, to win we must kill every clone
The crash
This is the 20th level of the story mode, our helicopter crashed so we must protect it while we are repairing it, there are enemies coming from a cloning machine, just like if it was a tower defense game, to win we must defend for 1:50 minutes
The end
This is the last level of the story mode (22th), frederico has nowhere to escape, and he has no more cloning machines, so we must confront him, he'll also have the help of other clones that are jailed, to win we must defeat Frederico.
Introduction of characters
The reaper is an expensive epic card but very strong clone which consists of a big machine with an huge auto-minigun, some big jetpacks as flying engines and a powerful ray turret. Its minigun has small damage but it can aim, much like a huge Minigun Turret. Or it can use his ray turret to pierce through even the thickest armor and the ray is also getting thicker and longer every moments, but the ray also drains its health, it's like a mini Ray Turret. But it has very high hitpoints so it won't die that easily. It can also hover in the air with its jetpacks before running out of fuel, then you need to wait for it to charge the fuel again. Also in the hovering time, you can also press the down button to save the fuel.
Reaper also shows a cyborg driving it.
Facts: The repair bot can't repair the reaper. The reaper also can’t be healed or repaired by engineers. You can actually shoot the ray through walls or sandbags but not force fields.
It costs 1750 blue coins and 225 base capacity.
Tinkerer is a secret clone that is unique compared to other clones. He wears a scientist's jacket and blue pants. He also wears a blue cap and night vision goggles, a black undershirt and white hair with a clock attached. He is armed with a full automatic shotgun that shoots 15 bullets per turn (5 bullets for three times) and a drone controller remote. When playing as him, you can control a drone which will move wherever you command but don't go too far from him or else the drone will lose signal. But if you come near the drone, you can control it again at will. But another bad thing is that he only has 1 drone, if the drone is destroyed, you can never control another drone again, so you have to be careful. You can use him as a substitute for engineer or you can use to attack bases without aiming units such as cadets or gunners, the drone can be really annoying for units that can't aim. Enemy tinkerers are the same (extremely rare in multiplayer) but a moustache and red clothes. He and his drone also has a decent amount of hitpoints.
Commando is a common melee clone that consists in using two swords to deal a little bit of damage, it's the first melee clone and the most basic of his class.
Commando, as well many other clones, he wears a blue t-shirt with a gray belt and brown pants. He has a blue cap, brown hair, brown eyebrows and black eyes. He carries two swords as weapons. The only minor difference between him comparing to other clones is his black face mask.
Enemy commandos are the same but with their caps and t-shirts are red, as a result that they have a face mask, their moustache isn't seen. (Or he doesn't have it?).
A level 1 commando has 25 cost of blue coins, 200 health, 75 damage, 75 speed. Also is able to jump higher than other units.
He wears an eye shield, a blue helmet with a black strip, a jetpack on the back and a heavy bullvest. He also wears a belt that contains bullets for his pistol. The only minor difference between him comparing to other clones is his full-of-bullets belt, his eye shield, his jetpack, his helmet and his bullvest.
The Buster has a price of 1100 blue coins, 1375 health, his hammer deals 200 damage, his pistol deals 75 damage and has 33 speed. He costs 150 base capacity in multiplayer. He also carries a jetpack, a sledge hammer and has an automatic B92 high-damage dealing pistol. However, Unlike Jetpack, (the clone) He bursts forward, going up with an arc.
Upon jumping, the buster will use his jetpack to fly up and forward, instead of jumping/flying/fly smash. The jetpack has a long cooldown which, combined with the buster's slow speed, makes him a poor choice for getting to the battlefield quickly. Instead, Busters is more suited to waiting until the action has died down, then smashing whatever is left of the enemy or rampaging through an enemy's base.
A buster carries a short-range pistol that fires five shots and can take down basic clones, along with a powerful hammer, which can smash weak clones, cloning machines almost instantly and can add 1 bullet shots on attack when using his hammer. Busters can destroy even heavily armored units fairly quickly with their hammer, including defenders, jeeps, cyborgs and even reapers if upgraded high enough.
Despite buster's ability to gun down lesser clones and smash structures and vehicles with his hammer, he is slow and he can be easily killed by weak clones that run fast and smart like Cadets or Commandos if he's controlled by a player.
Gunner is a Epic ranged clone which consists of using a minigun, has good health and deals great damage but has Very Fast speed. He is also one of the few clones that can aim, which makes him really useful. The gunner has a stronger counterpart that can jump, called the Brute, gunner can't jump, because of the minigun is heavier. But he has high hitpoints and can resist well.
He is one of the best clones in the game. He is very useful, especially in multiplayer, because you can spam gunners. He can also move backwards while shooting, like cadet, but cadet can still jump unlike Gunner.
Gunner, as well many other clones, he wears a blue t-shirt with a belt and brown pants. He has a blue cap, brown hair, brown eyebrows, his minigun and black eyes. The only minor difference between him comparing to other clones is his size, his cap is backwards and his sleeveless t-shirt.
Enemy gunners are the same but with moustache, their caps and t-shirts are red.
Pyro wears a blue cap, two gan canisters on a back, a mask and a bandoliers. He has brown hair, blue shirt brown eyebrows and black eyes. He wields a flamethrower. The only minor difference between him comparing to other clones that he has two gas casnister, enemy turn red don't mustache their mask his bandoliers, and his mask.
Pyro is very effective against brute force. Another thing is that his flamethrower does not need reloading, that means he can deal continuous damage. Unfortunately, the flamethrower has short range, so be aware of long range clones.
Be aware that just like most other clones, the Pyro also has blind spot, meaning that melee clones such Commando can take down Pyro, unharmed.
You can use Pyro to penetrate multiple small clones or even big clones, Equipments such as Sandbags, Wall and Force Field. Pyro has decent amount of hitpoints, but later in mid game clones can shot him down easily.
Infantry is a common ranged close & middle combat clone that consists in using a shotgun to deal good damage.
Infantry, as well many other clones, he wears a blue t-shirt with a gray belt and brown pants. He has a blue cap, brown hair, brown eyebrows and black eyes. He carries a shotgun. The only minor difference between him comparing to other clones is that he wears two bandoliers, one with shotgun shells, The other difference is his curly hair and beard.
Enemy infantries are the same but their caps and t-shirts are red, for some reason, they don't have a moustache, but probaly because their beard already takes it's place.
A level 1 infantry has 75 cost of blue coins, 500 health, 90 damage and 35 speed.
What Makes Clone Armies Unique? 🔥
This innovative military and tank game challenges you to clone yourself, engage in battles, perish, and repeat the cycle. With a seamless blend of strategic warfare and thrilling shooting gameplay, Clone Armies offers a fresh gaming experience.
🔹 Personalize Your Epic Battle Base and Outfit Your Soldiers
Select your equipment wisely in the Clone Army Games – from snipers for stealthy moves to commandos for aggressive assaults, or modern warriors with advanced weaponry like guided missiles and cyborg enhancements. The choice is yours on this battlefield strategy game.
🔹 Expand Your Ranks in the Cartoon Warfare
Gather and upgrade your cartoonish army of soldiers in Clone Army Games to dominate enemy territories and conquer challenging scenarios. Put your skills to the test in multiplayer battles or solo/team weekly challenges, emerging victorious to unlock stronger units and base designs.
🔹 Varied Troops for a Grand Battle in Clone Army Games
With nearly 30 different types of military units ranging from soldiers wielding miniguns to jet fighters, tanks, jeeps, helicopters, and rocket launchers, the options are endless in this strategic warfare game.
🔹 Master Multiplayer Modes in Clone Army Games
Climb the ranks in 1v1 multiplayer battles or partake in solo/co-op challenges for rewarding prizes, showcasing your abilities to the world.
Game Features of Clone Army Games
✔️Inventive cloning gameplay merging strategy and action like never before.
✔️Engage in thrilling multiplayer showdowns to win fabulous rewards in the realm of Battle Strategy Games.
✔️Acquire rewards via chest loot capsules, gather potent clones, and level up equipment in Clone Army Game.
✔️User-friendly controls ensuring smooth gameplay experiences in Clone Army Game.
✔️Diverse array of units and Military Game gear boasting distinct stats and abilities.
✔️Progressively challenging scenario campaigns in the tank game setting.
✔️Confront formidable bosses to test your strategic prowess in the Clone Army Game.
✔️Various game modes including a special Sandbox mode allowing unlimited clones on an infinite map within Clone Army Game.
✔️Defend against relentless assaults using a customizable base in battle strategy games.
✔️Frequent updates to maintain a fresh and engaging gameplay experience in Clone Army - tank game.
Dive into the mind-bending strategy war games of Clone Armies, where action-packed defense games await – this is not your run-of-the-mill Battle strategy game! If you enjoy the blend of strategy war games and dynamic action, then Clone Army Game is tailor-made for you!
Important Note before Initiation of Battle Strategy Games
Clone Army Games is free for download and gameplay; however, certain in-game items can be purchased using real money. To avoid unintended purchases, consider activating password protection in your Google Play Store app settings.
Get in Touch
We are committed to enhancing the Clone Army game to provide you with an exceptional gaming experience. Your feedback is invaluable to us! Reach out via email or join our Discord server to ask questions, share suggestions, or simply say hi. If any aspect of the Clone Army game has captured your interest, please take a moment to rate us - we eagerly await your thoughts in the realm of Clone Army Games!
- Version9022.17.10
- UpdateSep 20, 2024
- DeveloperElQube Tech
- CategoryAction & Adventure
- Requires AndroidAndroid 8.0+
- Downloads11M+
- Package Namecom.clonearmies.elecube
- Signaturedbea039348b9a2cc48659f988bd35dbf
- Available on
- ReportFlag as inappropriate
169.53 MB
169.57 MB
169.48 MB
Combining strategy and real-time combat, players need to arrange clone troops reasonably
Provide various types of clone soldiers and weapons, increase tactical options
No network connection required, suitable for playing anywhere
The system has some bugs
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