
Dead Trigger 2 FPS Zombie Game - Zombie shooting action

Survive the zombie apocalypse with realistic graphics and intense first-person shooter action.

Dead Trigger 2 FPS Zombie Game
  • 1.10.7 Version
  • 4.4 Score
  • 48M+ Downloads
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  • 0+ Content Rating
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Enemy AI performance may not be smart enough

★ With more than 110 million downloads ★

★ Uninterrupted FPS Action Zombie Shooter ★

Prepare yourself for the ultimate zombie experience. It's your time to defy the odds and protect your existence in a world overrun by zombies in this heart-pounding First Person Shooter (FPS) escapade!

Key Features:

★ Construct your personal Hideout and connect with the Gunsmith, Scientist, Smuggler, Medic, and Engineer.

This is not just any fps shooter; it's an adventure that lasts for months.

★ Access 10 areas and devise tactics for 33 distinct battlefields.

Defend the planet from the zombie onslaught!

★ Featuring over 600 gameplay war scenarios and immersive storytelling campaigns, exceeding those found in any other zombie game.

★ Boasting more than 70 varieties of firearms. Saying farewell to Zombies has never been easier!

No other fps zombie game offers such an array of weapons.

Find imaginative methods to eradicate the zombie swarms in this Zombie FPS shooter brimming with thrilling action! Join us in combating the undead.

★ Opt for either touch controls or an advanced virtual joystick setup.

The top-notch FPS controls can be found in the finest zombie game!

★ Wield brutal melee weaponry such as Wrenches, Bats, Hammers, Katanas, Chainsaws, Swords, and Machetes!

This vast selection of brutal weapons cannot be found in any other zombie game!

★ Arm yourself with potent Pistols, Rifles, SMG, Miniguns, Rocket launchers, Shotguns, and even experimental armaments!

We excel in delivering a first-rate shooting experience and understand how to craft a proper fps game!

★ Utilize delightful gadgets from Mines, Turrets to lethal Chickens!

This zombie game not only provides action but also incorporates enjoyable elements like those Chickens!

Beginner's Guide

Selecting Difficulty

When you can start non-storyline missions, try the hard difficulty. Although you will take more damage, the objective completion rewards are significantly higher, usually around 50% more than normal difficulty. Note that missions with larger rewards do not include cash pickups.

Weapons and Equipment

Consumables: Do not spam consumables; they are costly and should be used sparingly. Avoid using gold to skip waiting times or gain blueprints, as this wastes valuable resources.

Weapon Upgrades: Do not upgrade the CZ 75; use it only as a backup initially. Replace it with the Ithaca or M-16. Upgrade the MP5K and Wrench once, as better weapons will become available. Equip both a long-range and a close-range weapon to cover various distances.

Combat Strategy

Killing Zombies: Focus on eliminating enemies that can damage you quickly. Aim for headshots if using an accurate weapon. Special Zombies have additional health and drop ammo and cash upon defeat.

Special Zombies:

Kamikaze: The first special zombie encountered. Kills can yield an Ithaca blueprint. Avoid proximity as it will explode.

Dead Trigger 2 FPS Zombie Game

Scientist: Deals radiation damage if approached but is weak to melee.

Dead Trigger 2 FPS Zombie Game

Vomitron: Spits acid; change direction frequently to avoid getting hit. Takes five hits to kill.

Dead Trigger 2 FPS Zombie Game

Rager: Fast and charges directly at players. It can be evaded by strafing. Melee attacks do not cause extra damage.

Dead Trigger 2 FPS Zombie Game

Panzer: Has the highest health and wears armor. Target its back when it curls to deal increased damage, especially with explosives.

Dead Trigger 2 FPS Zombie Game

Basic Rules

These rules are generally universal, although there are some exceptions. The exceptions will be explained later..

1. Always be careful and aware with other zombies

You won't want to focus on the special only to be killed by other zombies. Even though the specials can threaten your life if you don't dispatch them early, zombies are still problems. watch out for packs, especially when they come out from different directions. Move away to converge them into a group.

2. Stay away!

Specials (and bosses) is very deadly when approached (not in some cases) because their high damage and unique traits. Melee isn't advised, again except for some cases.

3. Use the right weapon

Various weapons is for various cases. Don't just sticking around with your fav weapon if you know it isn't suitable for that special. You don't want to kill the Titan with a wrench, do you? And, if you're feeling tactical, you can first using long-mid range weapon first, when your target is still in distance, then switch to higher damage short range weapon when they come close.

4. Environtment is your best friend (and your worst enemy!)

Use environtment to your advantage. Mostly deaths by specials is caused by bad environtment. Try to fight in open area, where you can backpedal and dodge easily. If you aren't on a large area when the special notification appear, try and find the largest area possible quickly, and fight the special there. And, avoid toxins and radioactive gasses. you'll hate it when you stepped to a puddle of toxin when dodging Rager. Oh yeah, and don't forget the red barrel! Not only damaging or killing the special, it will clear out the horde as well!

5.Use Gadgets wisely

Sometimes you want to conserve grenades, but hey, if you won't gonna make it without help, why not? They'll clear out those zombies too.

6. Check your health regularly

No, this isn't about going to the hospital every month for a medical check-up, I mean that you should keep an eye for your health. Sometimes it's better to take a painkiller before the fight, because occasionally healing mid-fight is too late.

7. Watch your back

No, getting a sidekick to watch your back isn't enough. What I mean here isn't about zombies flanking you, that's rule #1. This is about obstacles and walls behind you. If you hit the wall, stop attacking for a while, look your back, then run and continue your fight. Keep backpedalling without knowing what's behind you isn't a good idea. You can get stuck.

Special Infected

You'll get a warning with loud alarm and the picture of the special zombie. Every of them have unique skill and weaknesses, so treat them differently and nicely.


Dead Trigger 2 FPS Zombie Game

Kyle: I'm a big man with a big gun. Kamikaze: I'm a big Z with a big barrel!

This guy punches his own explosive barrel when he get close to you (or simply explode), so melee is impossible. This slow Z is very dangerous when fought on tight space. Refer to the basic rule #4, about area. The best area for fighting this guy is a wide area or a pretty long corridor. If you hit wall when you're backpedalling, look behind you and run a little, then continue attacking (rule #7). And, the basic rule #6 is very applicable here. Being killed by the explosion after killing this guy is the most ****ing death possible (it's rare because the death explosion is far weaker than the non-death one). When you fight kamikaze on small room, it's advised to take some painkillers first before fighting. If you took enough dose of painkillers, you'll survive. And if there's zombies around but not annoying you so much, eg. zombies around the kamikaze, it's better to kill this fat guy first, because the explosion will clear them. When you are cornered, these are the choices:

1. Explode him prematurely

The meaning of prematurely is to intentionally approach him and let him explode, don't forget to step back when he's going to bash his barrel. Not recommended if there's red barrels around. They'll explode too, that can lead to your death. But, exploding him tactically can cause the explosion damage taken reduced than getting caught in the middle of the explosion because of cornered, because you'll get more distance from the explosion.

2. Maneuver around the corner

This choice isn't always viable, but if done perfectly, it's the best choice to do. Actually this is simple. You just need to move away from the corner, without making the Kamikaze triggered his explosion. Before doing this, make sure:

The room is big enough, so you can maneuver safely

There's no zombies messing around

To know the 'safe range' of the kamikaze, the closest distance possible before the Kamikaze gets triggered

To be skillful enough. Find your route which is still on the safe range.

If one of these conditions doesn't meet your case, it's better to find other way, as the smallest mistakes of doing this can be fatal. Painkillers are recommended too, as they slow down time.

3. Keep fighting

It's best to do this when the Kami's health is low, and it's best to combine this with choice #4. Not only preventing death if this choice failed, but it's also slow down time, giving more time to attack.

4. Take some painkillers

And wait it to explode. Very easy, but it's a nice way to save your life. Make sure you've taken enough painkillers. Or you'll be killed, wasting your painkillers

5. Bombard like a madman

That's pretty simple. Just make sure your health is enough to survive the Kami's death explosion.


Dead Trigger 2 FPS Zombie Game

The vomiting zombie. It spits red slime which can cover large distance, damage Kyle and staggering him, drastically reducing accuracy. But actually, his attack pattern is very simple and predictable, he lift his head upward when he's going to spit. Quickly dodge when you see this sign. How to dodge? simply move to your side. It's spit moves is very fast, so it's better to dodge before the spit comes out. If there's several zombies when you fight this abomination, it's better to prioritize the zombies first, because the vomitron isn't very dangerous if you dodge all of its attacks, and fighting the vomitron when zombies are around is a bit harder.

Plus the vomit can also damage zombies. Just make sure that you don't stand still. Try to 'dance' when killing off zombies, so that you don't have to check the vomitron for the pre-attack sign. Another tactic is by hiding in a place where the vomit can't hit you. Vomitron will stop moving after he's getting a certain distance to you, so don't worry about him getting you. After zombies is clear, sneak out and shoot the vomitron, then hide again. rinse and repeat until he dies. Oh yeah, and don't forget: this zombie is melee-compatible too!

Clear out other zombies. Then, get in touch, strafe (or circle) him, and whack him as much as you please! His vomit won't hit you, and his melee is too slow to hit you. Just make sure there's no zombies around. And be careful when there's a lot of barrels around: The vomit will explode the barrel! instead of damaging zombies, it'll do massive damage to you if you're close to the explosion. It's best to destroy these barrels first before they destroy you. And, how about getting cornered? hmm, this zombie prefers keeping distance from you, but if you happen to getting cornered in a small tunnel, here are few choices:

1. Dodge precisely

Before I said that it's better to dodge before the spit comes out, but in a small area, doing this may result in you getting damaged. This strategy needs good timing and nice skill, no zombies in sight, because they'll shrink your already small space to dodge, and most importantly, make sure the area is at least wide enough to move sideway few meters. If you aren't experienced enough or the space is just not enough for dodging, then this strategy isn't for you.

2. Stand still and fight

This is the easiest choice, even though it isn't wise, but the painkillers are there for you. It's better to take a painkillers first, not after killing the Vomitron, as their time slowdown is very useful.

3. Melee madness!

First, kill normal zombies first, then go on 1 v 1 with this guy. If you can't strafe (needs more space), do the hit-and-run strategy. The vomit is still a problem, though - only if you do the hit-and-run, the strafing works fine, vomit-free!

Dead Trigger 2 Cheats, Tips & Hints for Effectively Taking Out Zombies

1. Kill The Zombies With Headshots

Headshots are always the best way to go in first-person shooters, and that’s exactly what you want to do in this particular FPS. Eliminating a zombie with a headshot means more gold coins, and if you are able to string together several headshots in a row, you could be “rich” before you know it.

2. How To Get More Blueprints

Need more blueprints? The solution is actually quite simple, though the zombies you’ll have to take out are a bit tougher than ordinary ones. Minibosses, as they’re called, are the only zombie types who drop blueprint pieces when you kill them. Make sure you’re trying to kill all the minibosses, and if you have to, you can lure more of them out by staying near zombie spawn points. More minibosses killed = more blueprints.

3. Accept The ‘Register For Tapjoy’ Offers

In this game, it would behoove you to take all the opportunities available to earn gold coins for free. One way you can get started is by accepting the “Register for Tapjoy” offer. This will be followed by a second offer wall, and when it does come up, you’ll want to use all the free apps available on there. All you have to do is download the apps and start them up, then return to Dead Trigger 2. It may be a bit of a pain going through a number of offers, but the reward in the end is a slew of gold coins, all for free.

4. Run Away From The Red Skull Icon

The glowing red skull icon will warn you once in a while about imminent danger, which means you should run the other way once you see it. This heralds the arrival of a nearby zombie that may have designs on you, so if you’re able to run the opposite way, that could keep you safe for the time being.

5. Steer Clear Of Exploding Zombies

There are some zombies that explode if you pump some bullets into them, and if they explode while you’re around their vicinity, you’ll take some damage. Make sure you’re at a safe distance when trying to kill exploding zombies, preferably at a distance where you can hurl a ranged weapon, meaning your grenades.

6. Keep Yourself Alive With Painkillers

Those zombies are going to really get at you in the more difficult stages, but you can stay alive longer and heal yourself with painkillers. These painkillers, aside from restoring some of your health, do more than just that – they also stall the time for a couple of seconds. As an additional tip, you can take painkillers before taking damage, which could possibly restore your health much faster if you’re able to take a lot of them before getting hit.

7. Kill The Tougher Zombies When They’re Standing Near Gas Barrels

In the harder levels, the zombies will be especially hard to kill (of course they would!), but you can make your life easier by firing at them when they’re next to red gas barrels. Try to look for the zombies, especially minibosses, if you see them in an area where they are close to those red barrels. But don’t fire at the zombies – fire at the barrels in order to take them out in explosive fashion.

8. Don’t Kill Everyone When Playing Timed Missions

While it’s all well and good to kill as many zombies as possible, you don’t want to kill them all when you’re playing a timed mission. Obviously, time is of the essence when you play these missions, and killing more zombies than you should will distract you from your goal and potentially prevent you from completing the mission within the prescribed time. Remember that you’re trying to succeed in the mission, and not trying to blast each and every zombie in sight.

★ Engage in new Tournaments each week set in gorgeous Arenas - The epitome of zombie entertainment. Take on Zombies with flair. ★

DECA Games consistently strives to surpass mobile device standards, establishing itself as a reputable developer of console-quality FPS shooter games. From cutting-edge graphics to our precise FPS control system, our innovative approach and commitment to quality have impressed over 200 million players worldwide. Having crafted successful first-person action shooters like Dead Trigger, Unkilled, Shadowgun Legends, and Shadowgun War Games downloaded by millions globally since 2010, we now present you with this outstanding free-to-play zombie shooting game!

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  • Version1.10.7
  • UpdateSep 19, 2024
  • DeveloperDeca_Games
  • CategoryAction & Adventure
  • Requires AndroidAndroid 5.0+
  • Downloads48M+
  • Package Namecom.madfingergames.deadtrigger2
  • Signatureada3a85987e4cfd24bcc4fd8f1de7441
  • Available on
  • ReportFlag as inappropriate
User Reviews
4.4 1 Reviews
  • France Fausto
    France Fausto

    The game is cool because the campaign is awesome. The controls are a bit tricky though. I tried to adjust them by moving my shooting button to the left side, but it didn't work. When I played the game, the buttons were still on the right side. I need them on the left side so I can shoot better. Please help me fix this.

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  • Name: Dead Trigger 2 FPS Zombie Game
  • Package Name: com.madfingergames.deadtrigger2
  • Signature: ada3a85987e4cfd24bcc4fd8f1de7441