
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Immerse yourself in magic, solve mysteries, and attend Hogwarts with friends.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
  • 5.9.5 Version
  • 4.1 Score
  • 38M+ Downloads
  • In-game purchases License
  • 12+ Content Rating
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Old Versions

Players need to wait for energy to recover before continuing the task, which may affect the smoothness of the game

Player experience is relatively similar

🦉 Your acceptance letter has arrived at last! What kind of enchantress or sorcerer will you become? Will you bravely join Gryffindor, slyly choose Slytherin, wisely opt for Ravenclaw, or faithfully select Hufflepuff? The Sorting Hat awaits your decision! 🎓 With a myriad of options, create your own distinctive journey in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. 📬

Your adventure at Hogwarts begins now. Whether you're honing potent spells with Dumbledore, concocting potions with Snape, unraveling secret enigmas within the school, forging bonds with new allies, or engaging in magical duels, endless exploration awaits you! As part of WBIE's Portkey Games brand, this innovative mobile game enables you to craft your own tale within an all-new escapade set in the Wizarding World.

Embark on your personal odyssey in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery – an exhilarating role-playing experience brimming with enchantments, love stories, mythical beings, interactive narratives, and clandestine revelations! Don the Sorting Hat, discover the wonders of the Wizarding World, and determine your destiny in this unparalleled fantasy RPG!


Chapter 1 - Your Journey Begins

When you first start playing Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Chapter 1 will have start by creating your own character. You can select your gender and facial features, as well as your hair color. Other options become avaliable as you play the game, and can be edited later as well.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

After doing so, you'll be located in Diagon Alley, where you can speak with a classmate. After some dialogue, you'll head over to Flourish and Blotts. You can either scroll to it's marked location, or hit the view option to be autromatically taken there. Once inside, you'll have to gather up the books you need in the store.

Gathering School Books

Tap the mark and begin gathering your books by tapping on the glowing objects the game marks off for you. Doing this a few times and you'll be reward before moving on. You'll have to tap the books a few times to gather all of them. 

Go back outside of the store and talk to your classmate again. You can use the notifcation to instantly go to where they are located. After some dialogue, you can input your name, which you'll be refered to throughout the game, as well as online. Your name can be changed at any time. After more dialgoue, you'll be able to see your acceptance letter to Hogwarts.

Getting Your Wand at Olivanders

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Your classmate will ask you a question you can answer for more dialogue before heading to Olivanders to choose your wand. Scroll or tap to go to the store, once inside tap the notification to speak with Garrick Olivander to recieve your wand. You'll be given a tutorial on how to use your wand, simply use the touchpad when prompted to continue the dialogue.

You'll have to answer another question and then be given a new wand to use. When prompted, touch the screen on the path shown and you'll continue the dialogue. You have a few choices when you're asked a question about your brother. Depending on your answer, you'll have a different response from Olivander.

I Feel Bad For Him - Olivander comments on your sensitivity and will give you Acacia stick

I Was Angry -Olivander comments on your fight and will give you a Blackthorn rod

I Was Determind - Olivander comments on your passion and determination, he gives you a Hornbeam rod

You can then return back to your classmate outside once you finish getting your wand. Speak to your classmate again, which will be wearing a new clothing item depending on how you answered their question earlier.

After more dialgue between you both, you can either choose to tell your classmate to "Keep Quiet" or "Follow my Lead". Choose one and you'll complete the chapter.

Chapter 2 - Welcome to Hogwarts

When you begin the chapter, you'll be in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You'll start in the Lower Floor - West, and you'll need to go to the Great Hall with all the other students.

Tap the notification to go there immediately or scroll through the hall to reach it. You can scroll through to see the other sections in the area, but you can't go to any of them for now.

Choosing Your Hogwarts House

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Once inside the Great Hall, hit the notification to see dialogue from Professor McGonagall. This is where you'll be sorted into one of the houses at Hogwarts, where you'll get to choose which house you can be part of. Choosing a house only affects the names in the dialgue for which you see the story play out.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

After some dialogue, you can pick your house. Once you do so, more dialgoue will play out and you'll need to hear Professor Dumbledore speak. Tap the notification to see what he says. Once the dialogue finishes, you'll be sent to your house Common Room. Tap the notification to go to your room, or you can scroll manually out of the Great Hall.

Your House Common Room

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Your house common room is located in the West Towers of Hogwarts. Tap to go inside the common room. Once inside you can scroll through the room, but will need to tap on your classmate to proceed through ther chapter.

Tap the notification to see more story dialogue play out. You'll be asked which class are you looking forward to the most. Depending on your choice, the dialogue will be somewhat different.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Choose an answer to the question and then tap the Hogwarts symbol on the left side of the screen. You will have finished all of the tasks for Chapter 2, but will need to complete your class lessons to move on the to the next chapter. To do so, tap on the GO button on screen to go to class.

Completeing Your First Lesson

After tapping the screen to go to your first lesson, you'll be prompted to complete two lessons in the chapter. Tap the notification to go into the classroom and you'll begin the lesson. Depending on which answer you gave before, you'll either enter into a Charms lesson or Potion lesson.

Chapter 3 - Dealing With Trouble

Atthe start of the chapter, you'll need to return to your house common room. Once inside, speak to your classmate and follow the instructions to learn about your house ranking and points. Speak with them again to make a choice to another question they ask you. You'll receieve attribute points for picking any choice.

You'll scroll through more dialogue before being tasked with going to the Potions Storeroom. Your classmate will ask if you want them to go with you. Choosing YES give you more Empathy attribute points (Choosing NO gives you Courage). Tap the notification afterwards to go immediately to the Potions Storeroom and tap your classmate you see outside the door. You'll see some more dialogue before heading inside.

The Devil's Snare Trap

Tap the screen to make the motion for your Lumos spell to light the room. You'll come face-to-face with a plant known as the Devil's Snare. After a bit more dialogue, you will be snatched up by the Devil's Snare. You won't be able to leave the room until you can fend off the plant.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Once you begin the activity, tap the spots of the branches that are highlighted. You must get 5 Stares to pass this section, and will need a lot of energy to do so. The first time will allow you to fight off the Devil's Snare and cast Lumos once again. After some dialogue, you'll see the plant grab you again, where you'll have to repeat the process. 

If you find yourself out of energy during this section, either wait for the energy bar to refill or purchase GEMS to refill your energy. After doing this three times (it will take around 35 energy to complete the task), you'll repel the Devil's Snare and complete the task. You'll recieve items and Gems as a reward.

You'll see some dialogue with Hagrid showing up to save you. Afterwards, you'll talk with him and be asked what you'll do next. Choose an answer to the question to receive more attribute points, then head back to the common room after the cutscene.

When inside, talk to your classmate via the notification. After some dialogue,, you'll have to change your clothing options for your character. Tap the screen to go to the clothing menu and switch out your robes. Pick any of the options you have open to you (NOTE: You don't have to purchase any new items in order to continue) and then speak to your classmate again.

First Flying Class

Once you finish in the common room, you'll be able to attend your first Broom Flying Class. Tap the screen to go to it once the dialogue finishes. You'll head to the Training Grounds and will be able to start the class with Madam Hooch.

Go through the dialogue with your classmate, which will have a choice that gives you more attribute points for your character, and then begin the class task. You need to get 1 Star in order to pass the class and unlock the Summon Broom Lesson.

Summoning Your Broom

When the class starts, tap the glowing spots to complete the tasks highlighted. Keep doing so untill all of the tasks are done and you receive your reward. You'll then have a Focus section where you'll need to tap the screen at the right moment. Do so to pass it and continue with the class.

Once again, tap on the highlighted sections to complete more tasks for the flying class. As you complete each one, more will appear. Finish them and you'll gain all the stars to complete the lesson. You'll then be asked a question by Madam Hooch, she will ask "There is no device that allows a wizard to what?", with the correct answer being "FLY UNAIDED". Answer this correctly for more house points and you will complete the lesson.

Playing Gobstones - Side Quest After Flying Class

Once the flying class is over, you'll have to meet up with your classmate in the Clocktower Courtyard to play Gobstones. Tap the screen notification to go there and speak with your classmate. You'll take part in a friendship quest that involves playing Gobstones with your classmate. Doing well in this will increase your friendship level with them and open up more quests later on.

Starting the quest costs 10 coins. To increase your chances for doing well in this, having higher attribute levels will help out. Start up the game with your classmate and you'll be given a few choices. Depending on the attribute level you have in each catatgory, you can choose a different action to affect the game. If you make the best choice at distracting your classmate, you'll gain more diamonds to passs the quest.

Keep making choices, the more distracting and outrageous the choice the more you'll fill up the metter. Once you do so, you'll pass the quest and be rewarded with Gems and an increase in your friendship level. More dialogue will play out and you'll be given another choice to make for more attribute points, followed by another where you can gain even more before continuing with the dialogue.

Once you're done speaking to your classmate, you'll have to finish your next lesson to complete the chapter. Head back to Flying Class and begin the lesson. Tap the highlighted sections to complete all of the tasks. If you run out of energy, wait for your bar to refill before completing more of the tasks. Once you complete enough to gain a Star, hit the prompt to apply the polish to your broom. Draw the path that is shown to polish up your broom, then you'll need to summon it after.

When you see the highlighted areas, tap them to finish their tasks and gain another Star. Pick your reward and drawn the path that appears to summon your broom. You'll complete the lesson and gain +1 energy. This will complete the chapter.

Gameplay Tips

This section contains some tips that should make your gameplay experience smoother and help you with your progression.

GT 01: Don’t rush through the game.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery is an extremely long game, and you should take your time with it. Rushing through the main story of the game is almost always a bad idea, and it can potentially result in you getting to a point where the attribute requirements for certain tasks are too high for you to progress any further.

You can prevent that by pausing the main story tasks and focusing on repeatable study sessions to level up your attributes. These sessions will become available once you get to Year 2, and you should take advantage of them to level your attributes up.

GT 02: Prioritize the side content.

This includes side quests, adventures (aka Time-Limited Side Quests, or TLSQ short), Quidditch, and in-game events. Most of the side content has decent rewards for their completion, and you’ll be able to gain some attributes, resources, friendship experience, and some other rewards by completing the side content.

It is worth mentioning that the entirety of Quidditch (all four seasons) can be completed as a Year 2 student. However, this is not recommended, for three reasons.

Firstly, attribute requirements for dialogues for later seasons of Quidditch are quite high for Year 2 students unless they spend a lot of time leveling them up.

Secondly, some events of the main story or other side content will be referenced at certain points of the Quidditch, and if you haven’t completed it, you’ll potentially miss out on some parts of the Quidditch story.

Thirdly, you won’t be able to access some dialogue options unless your friendship level with certain characters (mainly Charlie and Andre) is at a specific level. Both Charlie and Andre are unlocked during Year 4, so you might want to consider delaying some Quidditch chapters until you unlock them and level their friendships up. However, if you don’t care too much about those dialogue lines, completing Quidditch during Year 3 is still a very viable option.

GT 03: Check the requirements for the following few chapters.

Before you finish the final story task of the chapter, always check the attribute and friendship level requirements for the next one. This way, you can stay in the chapter you’re in, and increase your attribute and friendship levels to meet those requirements.

GT 04: Check the triggers for side content.

All of the side content of the game (adventures, side quests, etc) will become available when certain conditions are met. In most cases, this means that it will unlock when you reach a certain point in the main story.

While playing the game, always check if progressing past a certain point will unlock some of the side content. If it will, make sure that you meet the attribute levels and friendship requirements to complete it.

In the case of the adventures, most of the time, they will unlock after you reach a certain chapter. This can oftentimes be bad, because you’ve just completed the final story task of the previous chapter, and in many cases, your energy will be empty.

However, there is a trick you can use to always have full energy when starting the adventures. Whenever you reach a trigger chapter for an adventure, simply stay in the place where you completed the final task of the previous chapter. Then, save the game, exit it, and wait for your energy to fully recharge. Once your energy is recharged, you can come back into the game, change location, and start the adventure with full energy.

GT 05: Know where to level up attributes.

In terms of energy requirements, Year 2 is by far the most optimal to level up your attributes. However, certain events are not available for students of Year 2, and they also cannot gain Charisma bonus, which significantly boosts friendship experience gained.

It is also worth mentioning that Year 2 students cannot gain access to the Library, nor can they drink Butterbeer with their friends in Hogsmeade. Because of all those reasons, Year 3 is the most optimal for leveling up your attributes.

GT 06: Know how far you want to level up your attributes during each year.

If you don’t mind pausing the story every now and again, you should stay in any given year until you are sure that your attribute and friendship levels are high enough to progress further.

The attribute requirements are fairly low during the first five years. Players can quite easily progress until the end of Year 5 without spending much time to level their stats. However, they will eventually reach the point where the attribute requirements are too high to progress further without leveling them up.

Unfortunately, the energy requirements for study sessions are much higher in later years, and anyone who rushed the first five years will eventually have to level up their attributes, and spend much more energy than the players who decided to level up their attributes in Year 3.

The safe way to be sure you’ll always meet attribute requirements is to have them at least ten points higher than the highest requirements for the following year. For example, the highest requirements for the main story of Year 4 are 22 of each attribute. This means that you shouldn’t progress past Year 3 unless each of your attributes is 32 or higher.

GT 07: Focus on completing events.

During Year 3, most of the in-game events will become available to you, and completing them will often grant you useful rewards. Try your best to fully complete them, and don’t worry too much about having to pause the main story to do so.

GT 08: Remember to feed your max-level magical creatures.

Feeding your max-level magical creatures will often grant you useful rewards such as Attribute Points, Notebooks, Coins, Gems, Energy, etc.

GT 09: Don’t start adventures until you are done with the events.

If you have an active event that requires spending energy, such as full marks or house pride, you don’t want to start any adventure until you finish that event. Once you do so, you can trigger the adventure and you won’t have to worry about missing out on the events while completing it.

GT 10: Be sure to login every day.

By logging in every day, you will increase your Charisma bonus up to level 7, which will grant you a significant bonus to your friendship experience.

Also, be sure to finish at least one daily task each day to complete your Stamp Card. This will grant you various useful rewards, which is another reason to play the game every day.

Energy Tips

Here you can find some tips that will help you optimize your energy usage.

ET 01: Understand how energy works.

Your initial energy cap is 24 energy. Each Flying Lesson you complete will permanently increase your energy cap by 1 point.

Each point of your energy bar takes 4 minutes in real-time to replenish. This means that every hour, your energy bar fills by 15 points, up to your energy cap.

Each energy point you spend will grant you 1 Experience point, and 1 Coin. Certain actions will grant you bonus progress (this will be explained later in ET 04).

ET 02: Keep track of the tappable energy refilling spots (tappies).

Nearly every location has at least one tappie in it. Once you tap on that spot, you will receive one energy point (or different rewards in some specific cases) and you won’t be able to use that tappie until it recharges.

The energy you receive from tappies other than pets will be wasted if your energy is already full.

Each tappie has a specific recharge timer, and keeping track of those timers is crucial to optimizing your energy usage.

ET 03: Remember to wake up your pets.

Each pet that you own will be placed inside your dorm room, and occasionally, you can wake them up by tapping on them. This will grant you 1 energy point for each pet. This energy can go over your energy cap, which can often come in handy.

ET 04: Prioritize bonus progress actions.

Bonus progress actions are actions that grant you additional progress and rewards. Each bonus progress action will fill the star meter as if you spent an extra energy point. It will also grant you 1 extra point of experience and 1 additional Coin.

During story tasks and new lessons, the bonus progress actions are actions that cost 5 Energy. During repeatable study sessions, starting from Year 3, bonus progress actions will be labeled ‘Bonus Progress’, and they will grant you additional progress and rewards. These can be 4, 5, or 6 energy actions, depending on the study session subject and your current year.

ET 05: Optimize Waiting Times.

During the game, you will often encounter waiting times between tasks. This means that you need to either wait until the timer runs out, or use Gems or Time Toffees to skip it. In most cases, waiting until the timer runs out is better since your energy will still regenerate while this timer is running.

In case you encounter a waiting period, and your energy is full (this can happen if you level up during the task), you should do a quick 1h study session to spend your energy, and then let it recharge while the waiting timer is running out.

ET 06: Understand how the star meter works.

The star meter fills up whenever you complete an action. Each action will fill the star meter proportionally to the number of energy points spent. Bonus progress actions will fill the star meter by an additional point.

The star meter works differently for lessons and story tasks. During lessons and study sessions, every time you earn a star, any excess energy you spend on the action that earned you a star will be refunded to you. However, you will still get to keep the Coins and Experience points you obtain from completing that action. Because of that, it is always useful to do a high-cost action just before you earn a star while doing lessons and study sessions.

During the story tasks, any excess energy that you spend on the action that earned you the final star will NOT be refunded to you. Because of that, you want to be careful not to spend too much energy on the last action you do during the story tasks.

ET 07: Know which sources of energy can go over the cap.

Some of the energy you collect through the game can fill your energy bar up to your current energy cap, and some of the energy sources can fill your energy bar over the cap.

The energy sources that can only fill your energy up to your current energy cap are:

Tappies you collect from various locations.

Daily Planner Tasks rewards

Star rewards

Here are the energy sources that can fill your energy bar over the cap:

    Leveling up your character

    Leveling up friendships

    Leveling up Magical Creatures

    Leveling up Clubs

    Winning duels in Dueling Club

    Completing Quidditch Matches

    Hogwarts Record rewards

    Waking up pets

    Feeding max-level creatures

    Creature Expedition rewards

    Daily Deal energy ads

    Energy purchased with gems

    Daily Planner reward for completing all of the daily tasks

    Chocolate Frogs Duplicates

    Chocolate Frogs Event Rewards

    Magical Milestones Rewards

    Various Event Rewards

ET 08: Stack up some energy before new adventures get released.

New adventures for the game get released approximately once a month, and you can anticipate their releases by checking the developers’ social media as well as some fan groups and sites.

If you know that a new adventure is getting released on a specific date, you can stack up some energy in advance. You can do so by collecting energy from sources that can fill up your energy bar over the cap. That way, once the adventure gets released, you will already have a hefty amount of energy to spend, and you’ll likely be able to complete several tasks, which will make it easier to finish the adventure in time.

However, if you do decide to stack up on energy, you won’t be able to take part in any event that requires spending energy, nor will you be able to attend repeatable study sessions, or progress through the story until the adventure gets released, so bear that in mind.

ET 09: You can save energy by intentionally letting the tasks expire.

During adventures or story tasks, you can save quite a bit of energy by starting the task and letting it expire. Once that happens, you can restart the task, and it will take you significantly less energy to complete it.

This can be particularly handy in situations where you know you won’t be able to play the game for a period of time (for example, just before you go to sleep, school, work, and so on).

ET 10: You can use Coins and Pages to get some energy.

If you are short on energy to complete a task (especially during adventures), you can get some energy by purchasing Chocolate Frogs with Coins or Pages. And since Chocolate Frog duplicates get converted into energy, you can use this method if you need to get some energy.

Bear in mind that this can be quite expensive, especially for Free-to-Play players. It is only recommended to use this if you are running out of time and need a bit of extra energy to finish an adventure that is soon expiring.

ET 11: Have some of your friends ‘ready’ to level up when starting adventures.

Every time you level up one of your friends, you will receive rewards. Oftentimes, leveling up a friend will grant you some energy, so you can use this to your advantage when starting adventures.

Simply get one (or more) of your friends close to leveling up, and when you start one of the adventures, you can increase their level by completing one of the friendship activities, and gain energy in the process. This will make it easier to complete the adventure in time.

Energy Acquisition Guide

First, we will discuss the energy itself. You start the game with an energy bar that can hold up to 24 energy points. Every time you complete the Flying Lesson, you will increase your energy bar limit by one point. Also, every 4 minutes you will regenerate one energy point, meaning that within an hour you’ll restore 15 energy. This can particularly come in handy when planning tasks and lessons.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Next, we will discuss ways of acquiring energy. Other than waiting for it to regenerate on its own, you can occasionally get it from certain locations around Hogwarts. Keep in mind that energy gained this way cannot go past the energy limit, meaning that all of the spots you use when you are at full energy will essentially be wasted.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

The first location to visit is the Magical Creatures Reserve. Between the Grasslands and the Forest, you’ll notice Borf – a cute little werewolf cub. You can tap on him to receive an energy point.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

In the East Towers, you can tap on two locations. The first one is the portrait next to the Charms Classroom.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

The second one is Peeves, floating near the Divination Classroom.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

In the West Towers, you can tap on the portrait near the Prefect’s Bathroom.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

On the Lower Floor – West there are two locations that give energy. The first one is the brazier next to the Great Hall entrance.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

The second one is the suit of armor standing right next to the brazier.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

In the Dungeons, you can tap on the House Elf sleeping near the Kitchens.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

On the Castle Grounds, you’ll notice the stick on the ground, right next to Hagrid’s Hut. Once you tap on it, Fang will appear and take it away.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

On the Lower Floor – East, you can tap on the pile of books near the library.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

In Hogsmeade, you can tap on the boy standing between the Three Broomsticks and Honeydukes.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

In the Forbidden Forest, you can tap on the little spider inside the cobweb near the Spider’s Lair.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Other than that, you can also check your dormitory, where you can wake up all of your sleeping pets to gain one energy point per pet you wake up. It is worth noting that energy gained from your pets can go past the energy limit, so the energy acquired this way will never be wasted.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

There are some other ways to obtain energy. You can do so by increasing the friendship level with your friends. Gaining levels between 4 and 9 will reward you with some energy. Levels 4 and 5 will award 5 energy points, levels 6 and 7 will grant you 10 energy points, and levels 8 and 9 will give you 15 energy points. Energy gained this way can go past the energy limit, so it will never go to waste.[adinserter block=”5″]

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Also, every time you level up, your energy bar will get recharged. Because of this, it is very important to keep track of your experience and when you are close to leveling up, make sure that your energy bar isn’t full, otherwise, the energy gained by leveling will go to waste. Be mindful that you will receive a significant experience bonus every time you complete a chapter or a side quest. This will often time to increase your level, so make sure that you spend your energy before this happens.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Another way of obtaining energy is by leveling up Magical Creatures. Most of the time, if one of your creatures levels up, you will be given some energy. Niffler, Porlock, and Fairy will give you 1 energy point per level, while the Bowtruckle will grant you 6 energy points per level up. This energy can go past the energy bar limit, meaning that it will never go to waste.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Occasionally, while doing classes and lessons, you’ll be offered energy as a reward. However, in most cases, you will be offered only one energy point, which is generally inferior to the attribute rewards you can get and is not the recommended option to select. However, in some rare cases, you will be offered 9 energy points as a reward, and in those cases, it is highly recommended to pick the energy option.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Also, when you are out of energy, you can watch some ad videos to gain 3 energy points. The only downside is that you’ll have to spend 30 seconds of your time until the video is over, which is a fairly good deal. You can do this about four times per day, but there are reports of some players having it available more or less often.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Finally, you have the option to get energy by using gems. Currently, there are three options to choose from. You can get 10 energy for 20 gems, 30 energy for 55 gems and 60 energy for 100 gems. Needless to say, the last option will get you the most energy per gem spent. However, do keep in mind that sometimes this option isn’t the most optional. For example, when you are only 10 energy short of completing the task and you know that after you’re done there is a waiting period before the next task is available, you should pick the first option. It is also worth mentioning that the energy you buy with gems can go past the energy bar limit, so it won’t go to waste.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery


🎓 Step into the shoes of a fledgling witch or wizard at Hogwarts!

⚗️ Master magical incantations and brew potent elixirs!

🎓 Progress through the years at Hogwarts to unlock spells, elixirs, and new areas!

⚗️ Immerse yourself in the enchanting universe of Harry Potter!

🎓 Join ranks with fellow Hogwarts students!


🔍 Utilize your skills to investigate enigmas at Hogwarts!

🕵️‍♀️ Unearth the truths regarding the Cursed Vaults and your sibling's vanishing in a fresh narrative!

🔍 Exercise caution—your decisions carry weight!

🕵️‍♀️ Disentangle magical riddles in thrilling phases & installments!


🏆 Unite with novel companions on a wondrous quest!

🌍 Participate in immersive events, play Quidditch, and more!

🏆 Secure victory in the House Cup alongside your peers!

🌍 Summon your unique Patronus to combat Dementors!

🏆 Befriend Magical Creatures like the Niffler!


🤝 Embark on missions alongside your schoolmates!

💖 Seek romance and embrace love!

🤝 Cultivate distinctive bonds with every friend and foe!


✨ Tailor your avatar! Choose from an array of captivating hairstyles and attire!

🏰 Create your ideal dormitory! Showcase your house pride and adorn your dreamy space!

✨ Novel choices for character customization and dorm design are continually introduced!

Step into the realm of authentic magic. Personalize your character, embellish your dorm, and solve enigmatic puzzles in this thrilling fantasy RPG! ENGAGE WITH HARRY POTTER: HOGWARTS MYSTERY TODAY!

Please bear in mind that while Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is free to download and play, some in-game items can be acquired with real money. To restrict this feature, kindly disable in-app purchases in your device's settings. In accordance with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, players must be at least 13 years old to partake in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. A stable network connection is also necessary.

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  • Version5.9.5
  • UpdateSep 27, 2024
  • DeveloperJam City, Inc.
  • CategoryAction & Adventure
  • Requires AndroidAndroid 5.0+
  • Downloads38M+
  • Package Namecom.tinyco.potter
  • Signatureceb75acfb7df00dd078e31612fd0c06b
  • Available on
  • ReportFlag as inappropriate
User Reviews
4.1 2 Reviews
  • Piyush Gupta
    Piyush Gupta

    The story in this game is fantastic, with lots of cool side missions and stories. I've been playing for a long time and noticed it's easier to find energy now, which gives you more time to do things. There are also more new events that provide energy and make side stories appear more often. I'll change my review to 4 stars because of these helpful changes.

  • Raymond guay
    Raymond guay

    The characters are really cool and look exactly like the actors from the film. Waiting for energy to refill is not an issue for me since other games have this too, plus I can watch ads to get more energy quickly. Great job developers! Energy recharges as the story unfolds, which is convenient.

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  • Name: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
  • Package Name: com.tinyco.potter
  • Signature: ceb75acfb7df00dd078e31612fd0c06b