
Hero Hunters - 3D Shooter wars

Lead a team of epic heroes in intense 3D shooter battles.

Hero Hunters - 3D Shooter wars
  • 8.2 Version
  • 4.2 Score
  • 10M+ Downloads
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  • 12+ Content Rating
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Old Versions

The game uses an energy system to limit the time players can play continuously.

Some advanced features and heroes need to be paid to unlock.

High-level heroes may be too powerful in PVP, making it difficult for novice players to compete.

🎖 Winner of the Google Play Most Innovative Game Award! 🎖

Assemble an Army of over 100 Heroes! Indulge in the premier Third-Person Shooting RPG game on Google Play.

Engage in the most phenomenal hero-centric battle royale experience for free on mobile, where you can recruit from a selection of 100+ Heroes and venture into hunts together. Collaborate with allies to ensure your survival!

Embark on epic adventures alongside friends in Co-op Missions and compete globally in real-time multiplayer Online PvP Battles.

Participate in a variety of activities such as Daily Events, Gauntlet Mode, Survival mode, and Boss Raids!

Dive into breathtaking 3D battles with your squad of heroes armed with an array of weapons including guns, sniper rifles, swords, and energy cannons!

How to Win Without Spending Real Money

Keep moving

It’s really easy to stay still and not think about positioning, especially early on. There’s a lot going on across the arena so you’d think it’d be wiser to stay still and focus on aiming.

Hero Hunters - 3D Shooter wars

That’s actually counter productive as it leaves you very open to attack. Keep moving whenever possible. Keep an eye out for when a grenade is coming your way. It’s indicated by a growing red circle around where you’re standing or taking cover. Be prepared to dodge out of its way by swiping to the side.

When you’re looking up from cover to fire at an enemy, you need to manually back down. Don’t forget to do this otherwise you’ll take unnecessary damage frequently.

Prioritize your targets

Hero Hunters is pretty keen to show you who you should be attacking first. Generally, the bigger the enemy, the stronger they are. Alternatively, some come with an ‘Elite’ label above their head. Focus your efforts on taking these guys out first. Is there a healer up against you? Focus on them before anyone else otherwise they’ll heal up anyone you shoot first.

Aim for headshots, while you’re at it, for maximum damage.

Use your skills wisely

Each character has their own special skill. For instance, Nightingale has a healing ability in the form of Heal Pulse, while Butter has his Draw Fire skill that works as a form of taunt.

Hero Hunters - 3D Shooter wars

These take time to charge, and that amount of time varies depending on the character. Sure, Mandrake’s Tomahawk has a fast timer on it so it’s ideal when you want to quickly interrupt your enemy’s skill attacks, but Butter’s Draw Fire takes time.

Only use them as and when needed. The worst case scenario is when a hero desperately needs healing and you’ve just wasted Nightingale’s Heal Pulse on someone that wasn’t running that low to begin with.

Each skill can gain additional charge for every time you hit an enemy with your basic attack. The more times you hit them, the quicker it recharges, so focus on your accuracy. The rest of your AI controlled squad will do the same but they’re less accurate, so this is the perfect time for you to take things into your own hands.

Hero Hunters - 3D Shooter wars

Typically, offensive skills recharge fairly fast on their own while utility and defensive skills take longer. Get to know exactly what’s going on with your favorite bunch of heroes.

Most of the time, you want to be controlling heroes that have utility and defensive abilities so that the AI can focus on the offensive stuff. It’s the most effective combination as otherwise, the AI is just going to go nuts with stuff that could have done with being saved for a more critical moment.

For that reason alone, you want to always have a healer on your team.

Gold skills are incredibly useful

The more you develop your team, the more options become available to you. Sometimes, you’ll have a hero with a gold skill. These are what you’d expect – skills that are far more powerful than the usual choices. Characters like Keel turn into a far more powerful healer than Nightingale, thanks to their healing based gold skill.

Always focus on using and developing heroes that have valuable gold skills. It’s expensive work but it’s going to make you far more powerful than focusing on the lesser skills out there.

Hero Hunters is also part RPG

Hero Hunters - 3D Shooter wars

Hero Hunters isn’t just a team based shooter, it’s also got some basic RPG elements. Pay attention to the elements of the enemies you’re shooting. It’s basically like Rock, Paper, Scissors with three elements – Biochem, Energy, and Mechanical all playing a role.

Green arrows above their elemental icon means you’re dealing bonus damage, while red arrows mean you’re inflicting less damage. Prioritize according to what works best. The AI won’t do this so it’s down to you to focus on how best to tackle the situation. An elemental advantage can be pretty significant.

The importance of your power level

Each mission provides you with a recommended level to suggest what your chances are. You can boost your power level through numerous means.

Hero Hunters - 3D Shooter wars

The gear you equip your heroes with helps and is very easy to utilize. Each hero has six gear slots and you can hit ‘Equip All’ to get the best stuff loaded up fast. Once you find all their gear, you can promote them which sacrifices the stuff but gives the hero a permanent stat boost.

Another method is by simply levelling up your heroes. Each time you participate in a mission, you earn experience. Predictable, huh? Grinding out those missions can make a massive difference though. But remember – you need to work on your team level too otherwise your individual heroes are capped at that number.

Playing the system

Like so many games, Hero Hunters is keen to throw achievements and daily quests at you. Check them out and focus on completing them. Daily quests are particularly useful as they’re really pretty easy to finish off.

Hero Hunters - 3D Shooter wars

Oftentimes, they’ll be things like opening a set number of crates or completing a few missions. You won’t have to go out of your way to complete them as it’ll just come naturally. Rewards typically come in the form of extra stamina (so you can complete more missions), gold or team XP.

Gold is mostly used to buy new heroes, via opening hero crates. You can use it to buy items from the Black Market too, along with using it to exchange for stamina. You’re best off focusing on new heroes rather than bothering with additional energy though.

Stamina/energy refreshes at a rate of 1 point every 3 minutes so be patient unless you’re incredibly gold rich which isn’t going to happen often.

Bucks are used to upgrade skills as well as evolve your heroes. You gain them for completing missions with more coming your way if you’ve done a great job and 3 starred the stage. Pick your skills wisely like we discussed earlier.

Quick Win Tickets are one of the earliest rewards for logging in each day. These let you instantly gain the loot in a stage, providing you’ve already got 3 stars in it. Use them often. There’s no point stockpiling and they’re essentially free stuff for minimal effort.


Hero Hunters loves the loot box model but it does dish out some freebies fairly easily.

Hero Hunters - 3D Shooter wars

Gold crates offer up rare hero fragments along with gear. They can be opened for free every two days. Don’t waste gold bars on purchasing more. Silver crates can be opened for free multiple times during the day. They’re less impressive than gold ones, but they still offer up some common fragments and gear. Check in often for the maximum reward.

Hero fragments combine to eventually form new heroes so they’re worth collecting.

Trying out the other modes

PvP unlocks early on. You’re awarded for kills in it, gaining PvP gems that can be used in exchange for hero fragments, thereby boosting your team. It doesn’t cost any stamina to participate in PvP either so it’s a great mode to delve into when you’ve used up all your stamina for now.

Hero Hunters - 3D Shooter wars

Gauntlet mode opens up once you’ve wrapped up the second set of missions. It’s a good way to earn plenty of Gauntlet gems which are exchanged for all the other good stuff, providing you know how to tackle it well. It’s a little different from the campaign mode.

Remember that skills retain their charge between missions so, sometimes, you’re better off holding back on your skills until the start of the next mission. This’ll only work with the character you’re controlling though as the AI auto-deploys skills whenever possible.

Heroes can’t be used in multiple sectors within Gauntlet, so you want to complete each sector with as few heroes as possible. Don’t waste your heroes needlessly. Keep your team balanced but efficient. And always leave your most powerful heroes for the end.

You’ll unlock Hard mode in the campaign and that’s another great way to gain stuff. Three starring a stage gets you 20 gold which adds up really fast.

In all modes, if there’s a boss to fight, you want to target that guy. Usually, the level ends the moment you defeat them, meaning no need to kill all the other enemies.

Hero Hunters - 3D Shooter wars  Guide: 22 Tips & Tricks for Dominating Every Game Mode

1. Know The Elemental System

When talking about the eponymous heroes in Hero Hunters, you might as well start out with the elemental hierarchy. Energy heroes (green) are strong against Biochem heroes (blue), who are strong against Mechanical heroes (orange), who are strong against Energy. It’s as simple as that — a perfect parallel to rock, paper, scissors as there are only three elemental types in the game. You’ll know in battle if a character on your team is strong or weak against the enemy by looking at the color of the arrows — a green arrow means you have the advantage, while a red arrow means that you’re at a disadvantage. The color gray means that neither of you have the advantage, which is better, at the very least, than being at a disadvantage, as both of you are on even ground, with no damage boost or extra protection against damage.

2. Know The Hero Types

Heroes also come in different types, based on where they spawn on the battlefield. Front line heroes will always spawn close to the enemy, just as they should, based on their name. Your mid-line heroes will spawn near the middle of the battlefield, and as these are your usual damage dealers, you need to make sure they have a high DPS (damage per second) rating. Lastly, support heroes will spawn at the back or near it; while support normally would mean healers and the like, support in Hero Hunters also includes ranged fighters.

Although the above guidelines apply in most cases, there may be some times when your snipers, for instance, will become front liners. There are only so many places your characters can spawn to, and if you run out of spawning points, there may be some heroes appearing in the last place where you expect them to.

3. Switch To Your Support Characters Often

Fortunately, for anyone who’s worried about iffy AI gameplay, Hero Hunters doesn’t seem to come with such a problem. Sure, the AI can be predictable at times, like it is in most cases, but it does seem to be smarter, with the added benefit being that your entire team will earn experience points, and not just the characters you use in specific. You don’t need to frequently switch from one character to the next just so you can make sure everyone gets some XP during a battle, and you don’t need to toggle to those characters whom you haven’t used yet — the AI does everything that you aren’t currently doing out there in the battlefield.

However, the AI’s apparent intuitiveness as compared to the AI systems in most other games doesn’t mean that it’s solid all the time. AI-controlled characters may still do things at random that make absolutely no sense, given the situation you’re currently in. And if you’ve got a team that has a healer, shield user, or taunter — support characters, in general — you should switch to them regularly so you can prevent the odds of them doing things they aren’t supposed to do, and ensure that you are using their skills properly and at the right time.

4. Upgrade Your Heroes’ Abilities

Just like in any other game in the same genre, each hero will have their own distinct abilities. Early on in the game, you will be told how to upgrade your heroes, and while you may think that’s the end of that, you will still be given recommendations on which heroes and their abilities need to be leveled up, where you should apply the XP, and which items you need to use in the upgrade recipe. Simply tap on the items you need in order to find out exactly where to search for them; you will then be given the name of the mission and where you should be going to embark on that mission and come away with a chance to get the items you need.

5. How Can You Get More Gold In The Game?

Obviously, gold is the main currency in Hero Hunters, but there are different forms of currency which you can earn in the game. We will take a look at each of them, and go into detail on how to use that currency and earn more of it. Obviously, we’re going to be starting with gold, which we’re discussing in one single tip.

Gold is the game’s first premium currency, and you will mainly be using it to buy new hero crates, which contain heroes inside. You can also pay gold to buy items in the Black Market, or to refresh the list of items available in that store. We don’t recommend doing the latter, as you’ll still want to prioritize on things you can actually use. Neither do we recommend using gold for stamina once you run out of it; still, if you’ve got some gold to burn, all you need to do is to hit the plus sign next to the lightning bolt for a quick refill. You can earn gold by leveling up after missions, and completing achievements and Daily Quests. We recommend turning on your notifications for new daily quests and login rewards, as that could help you earn more gold faster. You’ll need to be patient, though, as it can take a while for that gold to add up.

6. About The Other Forms Of Currency

For this tip, let’s move on to the other types of currency which you can use in Hero Hunters.

Bucks can be used to evolve your heroes, upgrade their skills, or buy crates at the Black Market. Additionally, you can use them to buy Silver Crates, which come with Hero Fragments inside. These fragments can be collected until you unlock the hero in question, so make sure you’re spending some Bucks on Silver Crates whenever you can. As for earning those Bucks, you can do so by completing missions, especially if you complete them with a perfect three stars.

Next up, we have Quick Win Tickets, which can be won by completing daily quests successfully, buying them at the Black Market, and completing achievements. If you’re at a higher VIP level, you can also get guaranteed Quick Win Tickets each day. You can also use those tickets to instantly open up the loot that you can win by completing missions, though the caveat here is that you complete the mission with a perfect three stars. You don’t need to hoard those tickets, as they are quite common; nobody likes waiting, so how about using those tickets to expedite the wait time?

Gauntlet Gems, as the name implies, can be collected in Gauntlet mode, and you can earn them from the caches. They can be used to buy Hero or Gear Fragments, gear, and XP, and if you’re planning to use them, you will need to go to the Gauntlet Store. This store’s offerings refresh automatically, and while you have the option to pay gold in order to re-roll the items, this isn’t something that we would highly recommend.

Last, but not the least, you can get PvP gems by racking up kills in PvP mode; you’ll have to hope, in this case, that the matchmaking system pairs you up against weaker players, or those that are around your level. You can use PvP Gems to buy Hero Fragments at the PvP store — obviously, there is no need to open up any kind of crate in this case!

7. Be Wary Of The Game Bugs

Hero Hunters may be a good game for the most part, but it can also be frustrating due to some of the early bugs gamers have pointed out so far. One of the most frustrating is the dodge bug — this manifests whenever you try to dodge an opponent’s attacks, then swipe to get out of that mode. Sometimes, your swipes might not register on the screen, and just as a friendly warning, this could show up for quite a while, causing you to lose in any mode that you choose to play afterwards. So far, the only recommendation is to report the bugs to Hothead Games via the app; that might not be much of a consolation, but it’s a new game, and upcoming patches will certainly resolve this issue.

8. How Does Stamina Work?

Stamina is your energy unit in the game, and by default, this replenishes by itself, adding one point every three minutes until you reach your maximum level. As mentioned, you can buy stamina points with your gold — currently, the rate is 40 gold for 100 stamina points. But we also did mention that it’s best if you do not do this, as there’s no rush anyway to race through this game and complete it as soon as possible.

9. Collect Your Free Crates

The folks behind Hero Hunters want to make sure you have enough incentive to keep playing the game, and these rewards include free crates, which you can claim by tapping on the glowing yellow buttons that would sometimes show up on the main screen. As it is, you’ll already be flush with rewards once you start the game and open your inbox for the first time — that’s your welcoming gift, so to say. So with that in mind, you can also redeem those free crates and open them up — it probably won’t be anything rare, but free stuff is free stuff, wouldn’t you agree?

10. What’s Up With Those Loot Boxes?

Hero Hunters offers a chock full of loot boxes to players, and these boxes come in three varieties as of the present — the Hero Crate, the Gold Crate, and the Silver Crate. Hero Crates come with a guaranteed 3-star hero or rarer each time you open one, with a price of 300 gold. Nothing too fancy there except for the chance at a rare hero. The Gold Crate can be purchased with 100 gold, and with this, you can get rare hero fragments and gear. We wouldn’t spend 100 gold if we were you, though, as you can open one Gold Crate per two days, without having to pay anything. Lastly, Silver Crates can be purchased by paying 6,500 Bucks, and as the name suggests, they don’t contain a lot of interesting stuff — hero fragments and gear, for the most part. You can open these crates several times a day for free, might we add!

11. Don’t Confine Yourself To One Game Mode

Hero Hunters has several game modes beyond the standard campaign mode, though we think you’ll probably have a new favorite the moment PvP mode unlocks — this is, after all, your chance to face some “real” competition. In PvP mode, your main objectives should be to win as many matches as possible, and rack up as many kills, as the latter will award you with PvP Gems, which you can use to purchase Hero Fragments. The best (or second best) think about PvP is the fact that it won’t cost you any stamina at all, which means that if you’re all out of stamina, you can play PvP as often as you want while, of course, winning more battles and earning more Hero Fragments to unlock more heroes.

Once you’ve completed the second batch of missions, you will then be able to play in Gauntlet mode, which will have you compete against one opponent after the other until everyone in your team is wiped out, or until you emerge victorious in the end. You can win Gauntlet Gems through this mode, and as we explained earlier, you could use this currency to purchase goodies such as Hero Fragments and Gear Fragments. In order to last longer in this mode, the best thing to do is to complete each portion of the gauntlet with as few heroes as possible, as they cannot be used in multiple portions, unfortunately. This would also mean saving your best heroes for last, instead of wasting them on the first few segments.

Still on the topic of Gauntlet mode, it’s nice to know that your skills will remain charged between stages, which makes it a good idea at times to save your skills until the next mission starts. Take note that this feature is only available for the character you’re actively using.

There’s also Hard difficulty in the campaign mode, if you want to earn more high-quality rewards, including 20 gold for three-starring a stage in Hard.

12. Focus Fire

Most people who play these games should know what “focus fire” means, but for the benefit of those who aren’t too familiar with the jargon, that simply means focusing on a single enemy, or group of enemies. Keeping in mind what we had told you earlier about the AI being smarter than usual but not perfect, it’s best that you let the AI handle the weaker heroes on your team, specifically those that have an elemental disadvantage. Meanwhile, you can control your strongest hero, and have them focus fire on the tougher enemies. More often than not, defeating the main boss ends the entire wave just like that, so if there’s someone you should focus fire on, it should be that main boss or elite character on the enemy side.

13. Stay In Motion Constantly

Still on the topic of actual battle tips, you should also make sure that you’re constantly moving in Hero Hunters. Newer players may have the tendency to stay still during their first few battles, and normally in the early stages, as a chance to formulate some strategy and make sure the aim is right. While understandable, this strategy (or lack thereof, at least for the first few seconds) will only leave you open to enemy attacks. That leaves you with nothing else to do but to move, and formulate those strategies on the fly. You’ll also want to look outdoor the red circle that appears either when you’re standing or behind cover; swipe to the side immediately, as this red circle represents a grenade.

For as long as you are not moving in the direct path of an enemy attack, you’ll be able to avoid a lot of damage by being in motion more often than you’re not.

14. Don’t Use Your Skills Too Randomly

We established above that each of the heroes in Hero Hunters have their own special skill — it may be an ability to taunt an enemy to attack you, a healing ability, or whatnot. Regardless, these skills will need to be charged before you can use them, and it’s going to take some time to charge, depending on your character. That means you shouldn’t be using your skills just because you have them. Instead, your focus should be on getting more additional charges by using your basic attack to hit them. Hitting enemies this way will get you an additional charge, and by doing this, you can reap the benefits of having something that can truly help, while saving up on the charge time.

When it comes to charge time, it’s the offensive skills that will usually charge up before the others. Defensive and utility skills take longer, and while that may not sound too intuitive, due to the importance of defense in MOBAs or any other games with such a mechanic, that is one of the many things that make this game such a challenge. In a callback to one of our earlier tips, remember what we said about choosing defensive or support heroes for the most part during a battle.

15. What Can Gold Skills Do For You?

Gold skills, as the term suggests, are special skills that come with a lot more oomph than the ordinary special skills (yes, we know it sounds like a paradox) your heroes come with. For example, let’s take the example of Keel, whose gold skill of healing completely trumps that of Nightingale, whose special healing skill is of the more common variety. You’re going to want such a hero on your team, so make sure that you upgrade those heroes with gold skills, for as much as you can upgrade them for. It won’t come cheap, but it’s all going to be worth it, as you’ll be focusing on heroes with gold skills, and not those with common skills.

16. Make Sure Everyone In Your Team Is Equipped

When it comes to improving your team power in Hero Hunters, one of the first things to do is to go through everyone in your party and ensure that you’ve equipped them with something. You may not be able to change some of your heroes’ stats, but you certainly can change their equipment in such a way that you’re making them as powerful as possible. It’s best to equip your heroes manually, so you can fine-tune things if you’re trying to focus on one hero above the others, but if you’d rather not bother with all that micromanagement, the auto-equip button will instantly equip everyone in your party, as long as there’s enough equipment and enough open slots.

17. How To Promote Your Heroes

When promoting your heroes, they will need to have a full complement of equipment, meaning all slots filled up. Remember that once you promote a fully equipped hero, all their gear will be sacrificed, but the tradeoff here is that they will get a slight statistical upgrade, as well as a new rank that adds to their list of skills. There’s no specific pattern when talking about the new abilities your heroes will get — it will depend from one hero to the next. But the common denominator here is that your heroes will get better, thus making promotion something that’s very much worth the effort, and worth the gear that you sacrifice.

18. Use Those XP Boosts And Skill Points

We understand that having to wait a while to upgrade your characters, especially once they’ve reached a certain level, can make one impatient. But you can speed up this process by using XP boosts, which you can earn by completing daily quests and achievements. XP boosts can give your heroes the XP they need to make it to the next level, so keep on with those dailies and achievements and the upgrading process should, at least, go by a little faster.

There is one caveat, however, and that’s the inability to level up any hero beyond your current team level. That makes completing the missions in campaign mode more important than you may think, as it’s going to improve your team level/power, and allow your characters to make good progress just as the team does.

Skill Points, on the other hand, are used to upgrade individual hero skills, and for that, you will also need to have enough Bucks (the common currency) handy. The restriction here is that skill level cannot go beyond the hero’s current level, but fortunately, you’re using Bucks to pay for the upgrades, and it wouldn’t seem right anyway to make your heroes’ skills go beyond whatever level they are currently in.

19. Collecting More Heroes – Start With Common, Then Work Your Way Up

Each hero in Hero Hunters has their corresponding cost in terms of fragments. In many cases, heroes will only cost 30 Hero Fragments to unlock, and since that’s already a lot of fragments as it is, you’ll want to start with the more common ones that cost less. (Some heroes can cost hundreds of fragments, and you’ll obviously want to put them in the back of your priority list — there’s no rush anyway.) Of course, if there’s a fairly rare and powerful hero which you can get on the cheap, you can make an exception or two and work toward unlocking them. Clicking on a locked hero will allow you to choose the Find Fragments option, which shows you the missions or crates where their fragments will likely be available.

As we mentioned in previous tips, the special currency you earn in the PvP and Gauntlet Stores could be exchanged for hero fragments, and when it comes to PvP mode, you don’t use up any stamina, thus making grinding easier in theory. (It won’t be easy, however, if the matchmaking system pairs you up with tough opponents.) One thing to remember, though, is that the fragment finding option for each locked character might not register results for Gauntlet or PvP matches. We also mentioned the crates earlier, and if you’re looking to add more heroes to your roster, it’s the Hero Crate you want to purchase for 300 gold each. That might be a hefty amount of gold, but at least you get a guaranteed three-star hero or better right off the bat, fully formed and not in fragment form.

20. Keep On Grinding

Whether you’re trying to earn more currency or collect more Hero Fragments, Hero Hunters allows you to replay missions, for as long as you have enough stamina available, with rewards from those missions available three times a day. (That does make the grinding feature a bit limited, though.) This could allow you to earn fragments quickly, especially if you did as we had advised you above and regularly click on locked heroes, so you can be shown where you can find their fragments. Also, if you’re replaying a previous mission at a point where your team is more powerful and leveled-up, that should make it considerably easier than it was during the first time you played it.

Likewise, grinding the campaign missions and replaying them for as long as the game allows you to serves as a great way to earn more gold, which is, just to remind you, the game’s premium currency. Getting three stars in a mission earns you 15 gold each, with the total raised to 20 in Hard difficulty, as that would also include a 5-point bonus for first time completion. On top of that gold, you can earn another 5 units by watching ad videos, should the option be made available after mission completion. Also, daily quests and achievements could set you on the path to earning more gold, if you work on them on a daily basis.

21. Play The Game In Hard Mode

We’ve mentioned Hard difficulty level a few times so far in this ultimate guide, but we believe this difficulty deserves a tip of its own. After all, a greater degree of difficulty often means better quality rewards in most games of this kind, and in Hero Hunters, those better rewards can include rarer gear and additional Hero Fragments. Hard mode shouldn’t be too much of a challenge if you’ve followed all of the above tips to improve your heroes, so if you’re trying to unlock a certain hero or get some better quality equipment for your existing heroes, this is exactly the mode you should be playing. It keeps you better prepared against human opponents in PvP, and allows you to survive longer in the Gauntlet, so there is no downside to kicking things up a notch and replaying the missions you aced in Normal on Hard difficulty.

22. How To Win In PvP And Gauntlet – The Basics

PvP mode is obviously a completely different animal from campaign mode. Unlike in campaign mode, where you face up against AI opponents, whom you generally can figure out after a few play-throughs, PvP features human opponents, who may have varying strategies from one another. Gauntlet, on the other hand, tests your endurance by pitting you against a series of opponents until your party is wiped out, or until you complete the series of battles. And when talking about the basics of winning these two modes, it all starts with the elemental system we talked about very early on in the ultimate guide. You want to see more green arrows out there in battle, which represent your elemental advantage over the enemy.

When choosing a party for PvP or Gauntlet, balance is important. Make sure you have a good mix of melee and ranged heroes, with special skills that complement each other. You can’t expect to succeed if your team is too one-dimensional, i.e. exclusively melee characters or ranged characters, or even a mixed team with special skills that have similar effects. Move quickly and efficiently from one team member to the next, so as to minimize the chances of the AI (which controls the characters you don’t) doing something silly, random, and/or counterproductive. Furthermore, keep a close eye on your team’s health stats, and if you could, bring a healer with you and control them as often as you could, again, to avoid the AI making them heal your team even if nobody in particular needs a little pick-me-up.

In PvP mode, we would advise you to do the opposite of what you do in campaign mode — instead of focusing fire on the elite characters, you’ll want to start off by wiping out the weakest character on the opponent’s side. Look for the opposing hero with the smallest health bar, and ty to win the numbers game, even by taking out the ostensible small fry. As you keep playing the game, you’ll know which heroes are easier to defeat than others, so you can use this to your advantage when picking on someone to focus on first in PvP.

Lastly, when talking about Gauntlet mode, the main thing to remember for this particular mode is that you can quit once the going starts getting really tough. You will win chests every four battles or so, so if you’ve already won a chest and the enemy has taken out some of your better heroes, leaving you of little chance of completing the gauntlet, you might as well quit for the meantime and, as the old adage goes, live to fight another day. You can also reset the Gauntlet if you feel that the opposition is too hard for you to handle.

Basic Stats For All The Heroes In Hero Hunters

For the second part of our Hero Hunters ultimate guide, we shall be looking at all of the heroes that are currently available in the game, along with some of their basic details, including their base power, their required Hero Fragments (if applicable) in order to unlock them, and their special skills. Take note that this list is updated as of this writing, but we’re fully expecting the game’s makers to add more heroes as they roll out more updates going forward.

Starter Heroes

Ryker (Combat Marine)

Base Power — 161

Skills — Missile Barrage, Grenade Launcher, Concussion Missiles, Battle Tactics

Butter (Frontline Shielder)

Base Power — 131

Skills — Draw Fire, Defender Shield, Damage Eater, Distortion Field

Nightingale (Sniper Medic)

Base Power — 104

Skills — Heal Pulse, Locked In, Blinding Shot, Stabilize

Other Heroes

Cast (Frontline Disruptor)

Base Power — 131

Fragments Required — 10

Skills — Sea Mine, Impale, Adrenaline Rush, Bio Pump

Cross (Bounty Hunter)

Base Power — 123

Fragments Required — 10

Skills — Poison Rain, Incapacitate, Black Death, Antidote

Dogface (Gun Mechanic)

Base Power — 92

Fragments Required — 10

Skills — Heavy Cal, Fire at Will, Tracer Rounds, Full Metal Jacket

Hardscope (Weapon Specialist)

Base Power — 114

Fragments Required — 10

Skills — BFG, First Aid Drone, Hardscope, Headhunter

Sentry (Stealthy Sniper)

Base Power — 112

Fragments Required — 10

Skills — Aimed Shot, Cloaking Field, Stagger Rounds, Scout Sentry

Beck (Agile Gunslinger)

Base Power — 172

Fragments Required — 30

Skills — Frag Grenade, Disabling Shot, Evasion Field, Scrappy

Castellan (Combat Engineer)

Base Power — 110

Fragments Required — 30

Skills —- Sentry Turret, Shield Wall, Auto Repair, Fortify

Ghoul (Tunnel Rat)

Base Power — 122

Fragments Required — 30

Skills — Molotov, Improvised Bomb, Volatile Mixture, Tunnel Rat

Keel (Field Architect)

Base Power — 93

Fragments Required — 30

Skills — Field Repairs, Hook Shot, Scavenge, Ablative Armor

Matador (Heavy Bruiser)

Base Power — 130

Fragments Required — 30

Skills — Bull Rush, Rally Cry, Lead the Charge, Rending Blades

Maven (Chemical Witch)

Base Power — 128

Fragments Required — 30

Skills — Vampiric Cloud, Hallucinate, Miasma, Neurotoxin

Pris (Femme Fatale)

Base Power — 128

Fragments Required — 30

Skills — Beguile, Sapper, Fatal Wounds, Charmer

Baron (Heavy Weapons)

Base Power — 148

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Covering Fire, Pyroclast, Center of Attention, Cover Breaker

Bolt (Adaptable Assassin)

Base Power — 105

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Shrapnel Storm, Barbed Bolt, Called Shot, Synthetic Skin

Clyde (Unhinged Gunslinger)

Base Power — 120

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Quickdraw, Dirty Fighting, Lucky Number 6, Crackshot

Elite Rifleman (Steadfast Soldier)

Base Power — 126

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Hot Shot, Scatterfire, Frontline Assault, Warfighter

Fortress (Adaptive Battle Armor)

Base Power — 125

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Power Overwhelming, Recharge, Adaptive Combat, Power Coil

Gammond (Old Sheriff)

Base Power — 125

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Serve and Protect, Kill Shot, Last Stand, Sheriff

Halloway (Holographic Illusionist)

Base Power — 124

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Holo Double, Aberration, Synchronize, Solidify

Halo (Lightning Conductor)

Base Power — 131

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Protective Glow, Discharge, Stronger Together, Lightning Rod

Hivemind (Drone Controller)

Base Power — 148

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Defender Protocol, Leech Drone, Defensive Screen, Recycle

Mandrake (Rugged Ranger)

Base Power — 112

Fragments Required — 60

Skills —Tomahawk, Relocation, Survival Instincts, Trailblazer

Mauler (Bouncer Sensei)

Base Power — 128

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Viper Strike, Subdue, Flash Powder, Discombobulate

Moss (Healing Sniper)

Base Power — 111

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Transfusion, Healing Cloud, Corrosive Shot, Lifetap

Operator (Field Medic)

Base Power — 104

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Restoration, Flashbang, Recuperate, Squad Support

Oro (Nuclear Berserker)

Base Power — 118

Fragments Required — 60

Skills —Caber Nuke, Meltdown, Super Critical, Nuclear Core

Richter (Anti-Tank Brawler)

Base Power — 153

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Thumper Shockwave, Sonic Sunder, Entrench, Battle Hardened

Ronin (Wandering Protector)

Base Power — 137

Fragments Required — 60

Skills —Eviscerate, Riposte, Bide Time, Honorbound

Salvatore (Assault Breacher)

Base Power — 125

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Heavy Ordinance, Toxic Blindness, Caustic Grenades, Toxic Residue

Savage (Support Gunner)

Base Power — 124

Fragments Required — 60

Skills —Spray and Pray, Defensive Fire, Smart Ammunition, Shredder

Steele (Heavy Assault)

Base Power — 131

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Open Fire, Bullet Storm, Commanding Presence, Supporting Fire

Surge (Gravity Controller)

Base Power — 120

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Gravity Well, Gravitron Surge, Zero G, Helping Hand

Vanguard (Heavy Infantry)

Base Power — 131

Fragments Required — 60

Skills — Protect, Hunker Down, Combat Shield, Vanguard

Chesterfield (Hunter Drone)

Base Power — 135

Fragments Required — 165

Skills — Bear Trap, Illumination Flare, Master Trapper, Double Tap

Francoise (Guerrilla Alchemist)

Base Power — 149

Fragments Required — 165

Skills — Invigorate, Take a Swig, Street Brawler, Guerrilla Warfare

Heimlock (Combat Medic)

Base Power — 135

Fragments Required — 165

Skills — Chem Bath, Sterilize, Booster Shot, Power Drink

Heckler (Battle Automation)

Base Power — 165

Fragments Required — 165

Skills — Overclock, Homing Precision, Hammer Rounds, Rally

Hideo (Merc Ninja)

Base Power — 136

Fragments Required — 165

Skills —Bladestorm, Exo Leap, Momentum, Penetrating Shot

Odachi (Cyber Ninja)

Base Power — 150

Fragments Required — 165

Skills — Assassination, Poison Caltrops, Blood Pact, Opportunist

Phalanx (Resilient Defender)

Base Power — 136

Fragments Required — 165

Skills —Mag Shield, Plasma Pulse, Team Mag Shield, Power Play

Phoenix (Volatile Berserker)

Base Power — 158

Fragments Required — 165

Skills — Incinerate, Matchstick, Phoenix Flame, Inflammable

Razorback (Insane Gladiator)

Base Power — 157

Fragments Required — 165

Skills — Taunt, Ensnare, Razor Burst, Retribution


Artemis (Archer Huntress)

Base Power — 148

Fragments Required — 585

Skills — Rain of Arrows, Tracking Shot, Chimera Arrowheads, Huntress

Prophet (Phantom Assassin)

Base Power — 166

Fragments Required — 585

Skills —Phantom Shot, Amp Up, Coordination, Spectre


● Delve into a cover-based, third-person shooter adventure with remarkable console-like graphics.

● Swiftly switch between Heroes during battles for real-time, team-oriented combat.

● Each hero offers a unique gameplay experience thanks to their modern and futuristic gear; wield sniper rifles and unleash the power of energy guns.

● Unleash sensational special abilities that can swiftly change the course of a battle.

● Enhance your tactics by managing your heroes actively or adopt an idle playstyle while on the go.

● Explore a vast assortment of weapons and guns such as sniper guns.


● Acquire legendary heroes, each equipped with distinctive weapons and special abilities.

● Form a formidable team to take on adversaries. Experiment with your lineup to discover the perfect combination - safeguard your tanks and healers while your assassins and assault classes eliminate foes.

● Choose from a diverse range of heroes like snipers, assault, shotgunners, magicians, fantasy characters, warriors, robots, sniper assassins, and cyborgs.

● Assume control of your preferred hero and dynamically switch between heroes at any point in the game.

● Collect loot following each battle, upgrade your heroes, enhance your skills, and refine your loadout.

● Immerse yourself in the single-player campaign as you combat raiders, bandits, and other threats in a post-apocalyptic urban setting.

● Engage in cutting-edge combat and become the ultimate hunter.

● The battlefield always beckons. Witness your hero squad dominate every clash.


● Test your abilities against rival players in real-time action-filled tactical PvP combat.

● Strategically form a squad of up to 5 heroes and strive for supremacy on the leaderboards and in leagues.

● Forge unbreakable alliances with friends to forge a potent modern military coalition.

● Defeat your adversaries in intense time-bound event competitions emphasizing individual prowess and strategic teamwork.

✔ Dive into one of the best online multiplayer RPG Shooting Games for FREE! Download now! ✔

By downloading this app, you are acknowledging and adhering to the terms and conditions outlined in Decagames' Terms of Use and are subject to Decagames' Privacy Policy.

©2021 Deca Live Operations GmbH, Decagames, and Hero Hunters are trademarks or registered trademarks of Deca Live Operations GmbH. All rights reserved.

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  • Version8.2
  • UpdateSep 30, 2024
  • DeveloperSupercharge Mobile
  • CategoryAction & Adventure
  • Requires AndroidAndroid 5.0+
  • Downloads10M+
  • Package Namecom.hotheadgames.google.free.survivors
  • Signature4ae6b85dcebee34d62d526941f90fa41
  • Available on
  • ReportFlag as inappropriate
User Reviews
4.2 5 Reviews
  • Kenechi Mbaso
    Kenechi Mbaso

    Really enjoy playing this game. Had it for a year and convinced my friends to join too. The updates are great, so keep them coming. Looking forward to an Apex Legends style game. A console version would be fantastic!

  • Oliver Stack
    Oliver Stack

    This mobile shooter is fantastic. It's definitely one of my top 2 favorite mobile games without a doubt. The only problem I have is with the gold purchase setup. I think you don't get as much in-game money for the real money you spend. If they improved the gold purchasing system, this would easily be a 5-star game.

  • Muhammad HAMID
    Muhammad HAMID

    The game is really good. I like the semi controllable auto battle feature. The colors are beautiful, and the characters are cool. I deducted 2 stars because of the energy system, but then I changed my rating to 5 stars after some editing. The energy requirement could be more, but the other modes are entertaining. There's PvP Co-op, PvP, offline functionality, and PvP raid. The characters are cool. I love this game a lot. You can do everything without hitting a paywall; it just takes longer. However, you can achieve everything for free. I played for a while, and not giving it a 5-star rating felt unfair.

  • Shaad Sk
    Shaad Sk

    I found this app 2 years ago. Gave it a 1-star rating because of new ownership and lack of communication. Now, with new owners again, I can't update the game. Sent a ticket, no reply. It feels like the same situation repeating. Want to know how to get a new hero or play co-ops with my alliance members who got the update.

  • Jacob Smart
    Jacob Smart

    The game is still broken even after a month. I'm so disappointed. Update on 9/19 didn't fix the issue. Such a waste of time and money. The game crashed, caused weird in-game trades, and then desynchronized. I reported this on 8/26 around 5am. Let's see how long it takes to fix. Overall, it's fun but getting VIP makes it more enjoyable and worth it.

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  • Name: Hero Hunters - 3D Shooter wars
  • Package Name: com.hotheadgames.google.free.survivors
  • Signature: 4ae6b85dcebee34d62d526941f90fa41