
Idle Restaurant Tycoon - Build & manage restaurant

Build, decorate, and manage your dream restaurant empire!

Idle Restaurant Tycoon
  • 1.41.0 Version
  • 4.6 Score
  • 2M+ Downloads
  • In-game purchases License
  • 3+ Content Rating
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Old Versions

Contains in-app purchases and ads, which may affect the game experience

Progress in the game may sometimes be slow

Wondering how to effectively run a restaurant? Unveil the secret in this innovative idle restaurant game!

Be an Idle Restaurant Tycoon Manager - Establish an empire 🍲🤑

⭐ Take charge of your restaurant and generate profits in this culinary game.

⭐ Strategize to amass wealth, revamp restaurants, prepare meals, and construct an empire!

Forge your unique idle tycoon restaurant domain

👨‍🍳 Recruit a top chef, select your team, manage finances, and become a successful boss.

💸 Grow your culinary empire with this restaurant game sans the constant clicking requirement.

🍽️Embark on global adventures, encountering superior cooks and staff at each level in this food tycoon realm.

Idle Restaurant Tycoon Guide: Tips, Tricks & Strategies

1. Ads Are Your Friends

Let’s start off this Idle Restaurant Tycoon guide with a bitter pill to swallow: the fact that you’ll mostly be watching ads. While it seems unfortunate for many of us who’d just like to play a simple Tycoon-type game at our fingertips, ads are an essential way for you, the restaurant owner, to gain advances in cash and you’ll never know when you’ll need that extra cash.

Watching ads are a way you can activate the following:

Food Influencers â€“ Much like real life, there will be one time or another when that one celebrity or social media influencer creator visits a restaurant and shares their story about it on social media. If you tap on this popup to watch an ad, you’ll end up gaining a sum of cash that might come in handy if you’re in a bind.

Fast Forward to Morning â€“ Once your restaurant is closed, there will naturally be a great lull between earnings. If you aren’t doing something else already and you’d want to just get to the next day, you may want to tap on this. If a Food Influencer comes alongside this offer, we’d recommend that you pick this one instead as your next morning should be able to earn you what the Influencer offers you. You’re bound to find another Influencer in the morning anyway.

Idle Restaurant Tycoon

    Ad Boost â€“ This one is one of the more tedious, yet more rewarding reasons why you might want to consider watching ads. For a maximum duration of one hour, your earnings will be doubled BUT each ad you watch will only up this bar by twelve minutes. This boost doubles everything, and we mean everything, even the money that Food Influencers give you.

    Get More Guests â€“ This is self-explanatory. Just make sure you have enough space for them!

    Double Profits â€“ You will often see this offer after you had come back from a break from this game. The game will prompt you and ask you if you’d like to double your profits and there should be no reason why you’d want to turn this down.

With ads out of the way, let’s get on with how you should be spending your money in Idle Restaurant Tycoon.

2. Prioritize The Culinary, But Don’t Lose Focus

It’s a restaurant, so you’re going to want to focus on the culinary aspect of the establishment. But with great food at your disposal, does service matter in the long run? Yes, yes it does. Once you’ve got enough cooks in your kitchen or the most advance, state-of-the-art cooking tools, improve other things.

Idle Restaurant Tycoon 

If you look around your restaurant, you might notice that the lobby might take too much time taking the orders of the customers, or that you might not be earning enough to keep up with your employee’s wages, or that you might have enough money to make your toilets look shinier. Use your money to fix these and your customers will be spending more because of your service as a whole. Most of your earnings come from the food itself and how hard your cooks work, but do know that the little things matter, too.

If watching ads isn’t quite your thing, then there’s nothing wrong with sending some love to the devs, if you know what we mean.

3. Understand Each Personnel’s Role

Your employees are the sole reason why your restaurant is kept afloat. If you treat them well and pay them what they’re due, they’ll stay. Be careful because if you don’t, they’ll quit without warning! To prevent that from happening, here’s what each person does and how they can be interlinked with each other:

    Hosts â€“ Hosts are the ones who man the lobby and they make sure that your customers have a seat at your restaurant. They also have the almighty Tip Jar (more on this later).

    Cooks â€“ The cooks are the stars of your restaurant. If you improve the quality of the food that they dish out, pun intended, you will earn more. You’ll also be able to pay them better if you do. Hiring more cooks doesn’t improve food quality but the speed at which you make food, so only hire more if you think your customers are waiting too long.

    Waiters â€“ Waiters bring the food to the customers. A single waiter will be able to attend to two tables at a time. Once you’ve successfully constructed all 8 tables in the first restaurant, the 4 waiters will suffice in bringing the customers their food. There’s no way you can improve their quality of service as they mostly work hand-in-hand with the cooks.

Idle Restaurant Tycoon

    Cleaners â€“ The cleaners are in charge of keeping your tables free. When the customers have left a table, the cleaners will be the ones to make sure that it’s ready for the next wave of customers. If you look at the door of your restaurant, there is a nifty little counter that tells you (and your customers) how many tables are vacant. It doesn’t tell them which tables are vacant, however, so if a table still has things on it, it will be counted as “occupied”. If you can’t afford an extra cleaner, upgrading their tools will be a cheap alternative.

    Special Staff â€“ Special staff come with special prices (yes, we mean they’re more expensive). If you’ve created an extra feature of your restaurant such as the milk bar in the first one or the show cooking one in the other, you will need special staff. These employees are in their own little world and require little maintenance when it comes to cleaning and meal serving. With how they’re more expensive, the food they serve will be more expensive, too, thus, they are a good long-term investment if you can afford to pay them.

Do not keep hiring staff if you think you cannot pay their wages. There’s nothing sadder than watching your own cooks or waiters leaving if they’re underpaid and overworked.

4. Accomplish Goals To Supplement Your Progress

Similarly to some other tycoon games out there, you are provided with a list of goals in Idle Restaurant Tycoon. These goals, while they require money to accomplish, give a small percentage of your money spent back to you. They certainly don’t just help improve your restaurant, but they will also increase the quality of the rewards you get with every mission done.

Idle Restaurant Tycoon

In the beginning, you’ll be rewarded with $75 goals but later on, you’ll earn more than just that; and we’re not even talking about the gems! When the gems start rolling in, do not be hasty in spending them. We’ll tell you why very soon.

5. Try Out The Event Restaurants

If you’re looking for an even bigger challenge where you can earn permanent rewards for any of the restaurants you own; look no further than the Event Restaurants.

Idle Restaurant Tycoon

Once in a while, the game will offer you the chance to try out an Event Restaurant where you start from scratch. For the duration of a couple of days, you are tasked to earn as much as you can by running this restaurant. While it’s disappointing that you don’t get to keep your earnings, you will, instead, keep bonuses you have earned in the cards you have unlocked. The true challenge of this is that you have no Goal List to guide you.

With every milestone you reach through your time spent earning for the Event Restaurant, you might unlock a chest; an item so precious that you might want to invest in it. Speaking of which…

6. Spend Your Gems On Chests, Not Add-Ons

While you upgrade certain parts of your restaurant, be careful not to tap on some of the add-on items. These items look different from their regular counterparts: instead of having a black silhouette of the upgrade, it has a gold silhouette. If you tap on these, there is no way you can get your gems back and it isn’t as efficient as upgrading what you have.

Idle Restaurant Tycoon

While it’s a long way to earn your way to 125 gems or 320 or 750, it’s always a good way to try saving up for chests. These chests unlock permanent bonuses, or cards in this case, that you will always carry over with you no matter which restaurant is active. There are a total of 15 cards as of now, and each of them level up or gain points when you get duplicates and these cards have four different qualities: Common (Green), Rare (Blue), Epic (Violet), and Legendary (Gold).

There is no such thing as a bad card as all of these further improve the quality of your restaurant and how you serve your customers. Through playing an Event Restaurant, you can get powerful cards early on for free, but once the event’s over, we’d recommend saving your gems up for any of the chests that you can nab from the shop. While the quality of the chest gives a specific quality range, the cards that are given out will still improve your restaurants either way.

7. Upgrade Your Power Only When Needed

Your generators are an integral part of your restaurant. They’re what keep your phone lines powered, your stoves nice and fiery, your parking barrier working correctly, your refrigerators running, and many other things. Upgrading your generators and batteries may be one way you can improve your restaurant but they’re not always needed.

Idle Restaurant Tycoon

Seeing as the most important item upgrades are plates, chairs, tables, chopping stations, and the like, you won’t be needing power all the time. In fact, it’d be even wiser if you decide to upgrade your power when you need to. The money you spend on upgrading the power room could be put to better use upgrading other things.

If you want that shiny new refrigerator upgrade and it requires a power boost, by all means upgrade the generator or any of its batteries and then earn your way back. Your funds through idling and the other tips we’ve given here thus far should help you bounce back through your expenses.

8. Study Where Your Money Goes

With all these things you now have to keep up with, you’d like to wonder where your money’s actually going. Maybe you’d see that you’re spending way too much on a specific area and that the profits you net are not enough. Maybe you’ve bitten off more than you could chew with staffing and ad campaigns. There is a way you can see this.

By tapping on what looks like a button with a graphic of alternating bars, you will see your restaurant’s Overview. Here, you’ll be able to study how much you earn from the dining profits, service profits, and parking profits as well as know what you might be spending too much on. While ad campaigns do help your restaurant thrive, it’s better for you to keep ad campaigns active only if you know you can afford them.

Idle Restaurant Tycoon

Only hire more employees if you can see that your staff is struggling to keep up with customers. Hiring more than one cook early on is inefficient and may even cause them to quit because you’ve spent too much on other things.

Below, you will also see which of your tables and facilities are fully upgraded. Under the Dining tab, you will also be able to determine which of your tables is earning the most and which of them is lagging behind. In revisiting them, you’ll be able to make the most out of your earnings.

NOTE: If you have an ad campaign active and you didn’t tap Fast Forward to Morning, turn it off or you will spend for nothing.

9. Never Underestimate The Tip Jar

At the lobby, you will see a floating dollar bill. If you tap on this, you’ll take a percentage of the earnings made by your restaurant. This is the Tip Jar.

Idle Restaurant Tycoon

After every few in-game minutes or so, the Tip Jar will be full of money so keep your eye out for this. Don’t let a moment pass where you haven’t collected anything from the Tip Jar as every penny earned from it could help further improve your restaurant. If you receive a $100 from the Tip Jar, it’s a nice way for you to earn these without having to wait for customers to finish eating or for them to come to your restaurant.

10. The Parking Scam

Just like in real life, you pay if you want to park at the restaurant’s space. By upgrading your parking in Idle Restaurant Tycoon, you will gain more customers and after taking up space at a slot, you’ll earn a little bit extra from it. This will still happen even if your restaurant is full and if they’ve been turned away because of bad service. While this may seem unethical, these people are parking at your restaurant anyway, so it’d be right to charge them. You don’t earn as much from this compared to how you serve food (this is Idle Restaurant Tycoon, after all), but every bit of earning helps.

Idle Restaurant Tycoon

With your new restaurant up and running, you should be able to post ads of it all over the internet and have it overflow with many a customer. Finish upgrading the first restaurant first and when you finally decide to open up the next, bigger restaurant, you should have enough knowledge on how to advance quicker as well as learn from your mistakes.

Quick Review:

1. Is Idle Restaurant Tycoon a pay-to-win? 

No, it is not. With or without real money you can do just about anything someone who pays for perks… Almost anything.

2. Are the ads too overwhelming? 

No. There is no bombardment with ads as you can choose to watch them if you like for rewards. If you do decide to watch the ads, however, it feels like you do more of that than actually playing the game.

3. Is Idle Restaurant Tycoon tedious? 

No, not so much. You can expand without waiting for too long unlike Deep Town: Mining Factory, which is a great game as well, nonetheless. Not only that, you can renovate your five-star restaurant to make it larger so that you can add more upgrades and earn even more cash! However, you will be waiting to upgrade any sections. The game does not do a good job at keeping you playing for long. This may be why there are so many ads to watch; not for your benefit, but for the developers.

4. Are there in-app purchases and are they worth it? 

Yes, there are in-app purchases. Yes and no to is it worth it. If you purchase to remove ads, you will make it easier on yourself by getting rewards instantly instead of having to watch the ads to get rewarded. There are also perks you can get through buying gems for upgrades that require gems; you do not need these upgrades to get 5-stars but you will get a significant increase in profits.

How to make money the quickest way:

When starting out, profits barely trickle in. Eventually, it gets a lot more bearable. There are many ways you can make money along with several different routes you can take. However, we will show you one route we took. You may have a method that works for you. Nonetheless, knowledge is power.

    2x: You need to activate the 2x to make double the money. You also have to make sure the 2x is active when you watch an ad from a Food Influencer so you can get 2x the profits from them. Also to keep in mind, no matter what ad you watch for whatever perk, your 2x time will continue to count down during the entire duration of the ad, so exit out when it is done.

    Food Influencers: This is a great opportunity to increase your profits as well as getting quick extra cash. The money you get from the Food Influencer is all dependent on your profits. It ends up being around 50-60% of your profits.

    Marketing Campaigns: In the beginning, we have noticed that your profits increase by around $500 or so when marketing on the radio. Skip the newspaper and give the radio a try. Once your restaurant/parking is just about maxed out then it would be wise to switch to the internet.

    Upgrades: Check out our upgrades above.

How to get 5 stars in every restaurant:

Since the bar on the top right of the screen below the five stars moves very slowly you may be wondering how in the world could you ever get 5 stars in any restaurant. Well, first of all, I am happy to inform you that you do not have to pay a dime out of your own pocket even if you are a big spender in support of the developers (or you just hate watching ads and want to spiffy up the place).

All you have to do is upgrade everything to their max level; this excludes any upgrades that require gems. Upgrades that require gems are purely optional and will not count towards the restaurant’s rating, only your profits. And when I say everything I mean everything. All of the tables and sections of the restaurant have to be fully upgraded. Easy peezy lemon squeezy… Your time is all it takes… And our tips.

Bid farewell to endless tapping

If you're worn out from clicking away in idle tycoon games and seeking a fresh experience, this game is tailored for you!

Restaurant games are delightful, and this one will surely capture your heart.

Unearth new culinary tales

Engage in our cooking simulator, earn cash, and maximize investments online and offline! Progress to unlock new kitchen enhancements effortlessly, without the typical excess clicking seen in standard clicker games.

⭐ Revamp establishments and advance your tycoon realm.

⭐ Ascend to millionaire manager status in this idle cooking simulator.

⭐ Elevate your kitchen operations to dominate this cooking game.

Our restaurant game stands apart from typical clicker games.🛑

🥞Construct your idle empire tycoon🥞

With our cooking venture, craft your restaurant narrative as you desire and ascend as an idle empire tycoon proprietor. Triumph in the cooking challenges at each eatery.

🌟 Idle games and cooking tycoon games are designed for daily amusement. 🌟

Download Idle Restaurant Tycoon now

Every step you take alongside your chef involves preparation, cooking, and serving delectable dishes. Delight your customers to amass more earnings and enhance your kitchen. Once you delve into this experience, you'll forget about other restaurant games!

• Gain from financial investments to bolster your economy and attain wealth!💰

• Employ top-tier kitchen staff, manage salaries, and revenue!👨‍🍳

• Cultivate your tycoon empire!👑

• This is not a clicker game; thus, there's no excessive tapping like in most idle games and food tycoon games!👌

• Entice patrons and expand your cooking simulator enterprise!🙌

• Discover novel narratives unlike any other idle tycoon games!🍲

• Upsurge your earnings online or offline through this cooking simulator!💸

• Cook, Level Up, Unlock, and Collect!🌟

• Develop an empire through this culinary game. ⭐

Banish the mundane tapping found in conventional idle games and cooking tycoon games that necessitate incessant clicking for profit. Our idle restaurant tycoon game breaks the norm.

Revolutionary restaurant storytelling

⭐ Enlist exceptional chefs for various cuisines within your idle empire tycoon.

⭐ Enhance your kitchen, chef, and staff to gear up for culinary showdowns distinct from other restaurant games.

⭐ Amplify customer satisfaction to expand your idle tycoon simulator business.

The ideal idle tycoon simulator awaits.

Formulate a winning strategy for your culinary journey and augment your idle empire. Start your adventure by downloading now! Once you experience Idle Restaurant Tycoon, other cooking idle tycoon games will pale in comparison.

No need for repetitive tapping as seen in traditional clicker games. With this food tycoon simulation, constructing an empire is enjoyable and effortless!

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  • Version1.41.0
  • UpdateSep 18, 2024
  • DeveloperKolibri Games
  • CategorySimulation
  • Requires AndroidAndroid 6+
  • Downloads2M+
  • Package Namecom.kolibrigames.idlerestauranttycoon
  • Signature5899e76b4acca472920bedc5567e19d5
  • Available on
  • ReportFlag as inappropriate
User Reviews
4.6 2 Reviews
  • nat wojcik
    nat wojcik

    Yeah, I got the no ads feature for the game and it was totally worth it. Dealing with ads for bonuses would have been annoying. What's cool is that you can renovate the restaurant after reaching 5 stars. This game is perfect for someone who wants a casual check-in during the work day. I'd definitely suggest it to a friend.

  • Alicia Johnson
    Alicia Johnson

    Since the update, I've been receiving rewards that I enjoy. Even though it didn't take me back to the restaurant where I left off with 5 stars, now it's prompting me to explore new things while rewarding me, preventing me from interacting with my screen. The game is fine since I solved my issue, but I aim to simplify it for those facing a similar problem.

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  • Name: Idle Restaurant Tycoon
  • Package Name: com.kolibrigames.idlerestauranttycoon
  • Signature: 5899e76b4acca472920bedc5567e19d5