
Mobile Beacukai - Customs & duties calculator

Effortlessly track and manage import duties with automated calculation and documentation

Mobile Beacukai
  • 5.2 Version
  • 1.1 Score
  • 631K+ Downloads
  • Free License
  • 3+ Content Rating
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misleading customer service

easier for everyone who needs it suggested

data transfer failed every time

Customs Services Getting Closer in Your Hands

The Mobile Customs Application provides facilities for tracking the status of shipment goods, import duty and tax calculator, as well as checking exchange rates.

Comprehensive Shipping and Customs Services:

# Shipment Tracking

This tracking is directly connected to the customs data center. The shipment tracking facility requires a valid tracking number/ AWB.

# Import Duty and Tax Calculator

It is a simulation of calculating import duties and taxes. This calculator has been adjusted to the latest regulations regarding shipment rules. Please note that the calculations in this calculator are simulations and cannot be used as a legal basis. Determination of import duties and taxes uses the official assessment method.

# Exchange Rate Information

Exchange rate information directly linked to the data center of the Fiscal Policy Agency.

# New Features

Tracking the status of import document submissions (PIB), exports (PEB), manifest, TPB, and customs for Service Users who have access to the User Service Portal.

Using Guide

Discover a convenient way to manage customs-related matters with the Mobile Beacukai app. This application brings customs services directly to your fingertips, simplifying your shipping and import needs. With essential features, it's an invaluable tool for individuals and businesses involved in international shipping and trading.

If you require more detailed information about the customs and excise process, the Bravo Customs contact center provides support through phone, Facebook, Twitter, and email. Make your international dealings more efficient and less tedious by taking advantage of the tools and resources available through this platform. Promising a user-friendly experience with vital customs services just a tap away, the Mobile Beacukai app enhances the efficiency of your import and export activities.

Using Experience

Mobile Beacukai: Customs Services at Your Fingertips

Mobile Beacukai is a free mobile application that provides shipment tracking, import duty and tax calculators, and exchange rate checking. This app is designed to make it easier for users to access customs services directly from their Android devices.

The shipment tracking feature is directly connected to the customs data center and requires a valid receipt number or AWB. The import duty and tax calculator is a simulation that has been adapted to the latest regulations related to shipment rules. It's important to note that the calculation provided in the calculator is a simulation and cannot be used as a legal basis. The official assessment method is used to determine the import duties and taxes.

The exchange rate information is directly connected to the data center of the Fiscal Policy Office. In addition, there is a new feature that allows users with access to the User Service Portal to track the status of their import declaration (PIB), export declaration (PEB), manifest, TPB, and customs. If you need more information about customs and excise processes, you can contact the Bravo Customs contact center by phone, Facebook, Twitter, or email.

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User Reviews
1.1 9 Reviews
  • Yongki

    Please provide your full name in the space provided.

  • Maryono Fnu
    Maryono Fnu

    The app keeps displaying "transfer data failed" when trying to calculate tax. Remember to check your connection to the server and fix this issue right away. Many people depend on this government app for their taxes.

  • Muhammad Fachrizal
    Muhammad Fachrizal

    The duty calculator was updated following the latest regulation with a new threshold of 75 USD for imposition.

  • Stefano

    I think the app was made by someone just starting out. It's full of bugs and the server is slow. I can't even do a simple task without it taking forever and giving errors.

  • Alfian Erliansyah
    Alfian Erliansyah

    You need to pay tax for that item. Where do you need to pay the tax?

  • 匚ㄖ爪丨尺ㄒ乇匚卄

    This app is just the worst, seriously! It's impossible to register your cellphone's IMEI number for use in Indonesia. I've tried so many times but it just won't work! Please, remove this app from the Play Store right away.

  • Wisnu Hafi
    Wisnu Hafi

    Oh no, I'm having trouble with completing calculations and transferring data. It keeps failing every time.

  • Margareth Hilda
    Margareth Hilda

    The app is really useful for keeping track of the exchange rates, it's not complicated. In my opinion, it's more efficient than a regular calculator. I recommend using this app for those of you who don't want to fuss and want things done quickly! I highly recommend it!

  • Eri Setiawan
    Eri Setiawan

    Hey, these apps are so annoying. The barcode scan doesn't get saved in the app's history unless you manually save it.

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  • Name: Mobile Beacukai
  • Package Name: id.go.beacukai.customer
  • Signature: a70e2aba9e80c74952eeda729b3024d5