
Prezzi Benzina - Gas prices

Find the cheapest gas prices near you with real-time updates

Prezzi Benzina - Gas prices
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  • 3.2 Score
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  • 3+ Content Rating
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With Prezzi Benzina you will immediately find the cheapest petrol station near you (just in Italy)!

Select your fuel (Petrol, Diesel, Methane, LPG, Special Diesel or Special Petrol) and based on your location or the address you are looking for, immediately identify the closest and cheapest distributors in your area, whether they are part of the most known (as Eni / Agip, Eni Selfy, Enercoop, Ego, Esso, Europam, IP and IP Matic, Noaloil, Q8 and Q8easy, Retitalia, Tamoil and Tamoil PienOK) or are independent distributors ("No Logo "). And once you have chosen the distributor you can let your favorite navigation software take you there!

Look at the prices of each individual petrol station and update them yourself if they have changed.

Prezzi Benzina wants to make fuel prices more transparent. The quality of the service improves with the collaboration of each individual user, so the more users collaborate, the more the prices will be accurate and the savings available to everyone.

Some notes:

- the votes to the distributors are not updated immediately, but after a few minutes

- the price updates sent are processed every 30 minutes

- the kilometric distances are calculated of air, therefore they represent a lower estimate of the real distance to be covered

- for any information or error report please contact us, we will be more than happy to answer android@prezzibenzina.it

Prezzi Benzina is a mobile application to find the cheapest gas prices in your area. With this application you can check the prices of the closest and best distributors. In addition, you can store the different prices for your favorite stations and it is also possible to update the prices on a daily basis.

This application is completely free to download and use.

Prezzi Benzina has been created to provide an easy and fast way to obtain current gas prices in our area, not only for gas but for the whole range of fuels. In addition, with this application you can easily identify the best distributor in your area, for petrol, diesel, LPG, methane and specialised gas.

The application also offers a way to find the best distributor nearby, which is an important service to assist the client in their daily travels.

Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.4.

Offers in-app purchases.

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User Reviews
3.2 6 Reviews
  • Stefano Bonaudo
    Stefano Bonaudo

    Very useful and functional app, nothing to complain about. Maybe a graphical update would be nice, but other than that, it's perfect! 💯

  • Mars Slash
    Mars Slash

    Always updated prices in the metropolitan area of Milan. Recommended for those who are not familiar with the area they are visiting and want to save some money on fuel.

  • Alessio Alfonsi
    Alessio Alfonsi

    Helps you find the cheapest gas station nearby. Saves you at least 20 euros per month.

  • Nicola Dal Martello
    Nicola Dal Martello

    User loves the app and suggests adding a feature to filter places based on their opening hours.

  • Giampiero Giancipoli
    Giampiero Giancipoli

    This app is great! I use it to refill both of my cars, one runs on diesel and the other runs on gasoline.

  • Mario Bianchi
    Mario Bianchi

    I always found the best prices at the recommended distributors. Saving money is guaranteed.

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  • Name: Prezzi Benzina - Gas prices
  • Package Name: org.vernazza.androidfuel
  • Signature: 9c4718cbb42f40e7d24dbda1364d57ad