
Stormshot: Isle of Adventure - Pirate & adventure battles

Embark on daring quests, unleash powerful spells, and conquer the storm!

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure
  • 3.19.0 Version
  • 4.3 Score
  • 8M+ Downloads
  • In-game purchases License
  • 12+ Content Rating
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Embrace the quest for lost treasures

Ready, aim, fire! Dive into 500 levels of brain-teasing shooting puzzles! Navigate through a storm of bullets and prove your shooting skills on Skull Isle!

Beneath you lies a treasure island teeming with danger and enigmas. To survive this harsh realm, you must rely on your sharpest weapons: your unparalleled wit, precise aiming, and unwavering focus to combat any evil that dares to approach!

Overview of the game

Stormshot: Isle of AdventureThe start of an adventure.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure, similar to one of its successors, is a base-building strategy RTS game divided into three segments: Base-Building, Kingdom/Celestial Globe, and Ancient Tombs. You’ll be at home with this game if you play the newer titles from FunPlus. Note that due to it being a previous title, a few quality-of-life changes do not appear in Stormshot.

The Overview will also look over a few things, like Heroes to Alliances. Small Tips will be added to the overlook, so keep a few things in mind.


Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Before the proper game starts, you are introduced to Sharpshooter, the puzzle sub-game of Stormshot. Similar to how the State of Survival introduced Exploration’s battles, you are immediately thrust into shooting any unwanted Undead or men that stand in your way. Because of the simplistic design of Sharpshooter, there are not a lot of things to discuss overall.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

However, Sharpshooter segments appear when clearing out your base of the fog. However, retrying and failing these segments can allow you to skip them altogether. However, the Sharpshooter parts of the ‘Sharpshooter’ submenu aren’t skippable. However, as opposed to how Sharpshooter is advertised, the reticle does not show where the bullet will bounce. You will need a few calculations to hit your potshots.

And you get to dance when you win. And your enemy will as well if you fail.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

TIP: Learn physics, primarily how light reflects from angled surfaces. It’ll help.


Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Treasure Island’s inhabitants have left a few things in the wake of the vicious fog surrounding their homes. At the start of the game, you are given nothing more than a measly Stronghold similar to a poor man’s camp. Later, you will be able to fill up your base after clearing the mist that surrounds the base.

Buildings are separated into two categories: Military and Economic.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Military structures give you the ability to generate troops as well as maintain and upgrade them. Buildings such as the Artillery Foundry, Barracks, Shooting Range, and Stables allow you to train forces of a given classification. There are also buildings such as the Academy and Military Tents that give you Research and Troop Training Speed, respectively.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Economic buildings are self-explanatory as well. The game has four resources: Food, Magic Crystals, Stones, and Silver. They have their own respective farms. Hospitals are also considered Economic buildings, alongside the Exchange and the Munitions Exchange.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

One of these buildings includes the Tavern, where you draw heroes in a lottery-type system (or gacha, for short). As seen in the screenshot above, the Tavern’s ‘banners’ can be classified into the Master and the Standard. The Master only contains Tier B to Tier S heroes. Standard only has Tier C to Tier A heroes.

TIP: Use your Hero Banners as soon as you get them, as the guarantee attempts are as small as it gets.

There are a few more things aside from just buildings, which are…


Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Humans versus the undead have always been a staple.

Battles are what you expected them to be: a full-on brawl against many opponents. However, there is no player agency in this game segment aside from being able to station where you place your units. This game mode, in general, can be considered a number’s game with battles that can go from a crawl to a full-blown pyrrhic victory.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Adjusting positions at the start.

TIP: Adjusting your troop’s position at the start only affects the starting Battle. Armies tend to clump up the moment you attack the next wave or so.

Kingdom/Celestial Globe

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

A view of the state of things outside your Estate.

Stormshot cannot be a social game without its fair share of a ‘kingdom’ map and the global map. The Kingdom Map shows you where you are and any competing Lords and their Estates. There is also an abundance of resources scattered around the map and a few undead wanting to skin your hides… if they even bother going to your base. Oh, and a few survivors.


Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Two marching warbands ready to wreak havoc.

Like the State of Survival, Stormshot trivializes battles by a measure of strength between two parties via Troop Power. The four troop archetypes also play a massive role in this grand-scale rock-paper-scissor (and mortar, due to the fourth archetype). Troops will be covered in the following section in the Overview later on. For now, consider their full strength the primary number you have to deal with.

However, consider that Marches are limited by the amount you can send in the Kingdom Map and how far the target is from the Estate. Grids 50 kilometers from the Estate take about a minute to arrive at their target. Thus 2 minutes are given to that march (arrival and return time overall). Don’t be surprised if 4000 kilometers take about 45 minutes, and that’s already the arrival time, not altogether.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Pre-March screen. Shows the number of troops assigned and their respective Power and Load.

Take note as well that marching to Resource Grids is different. Compared to the quick battles when sending Marches to Threats, you have to wait for ample time for your troops to gather the resources specified in that grid. It also considers the load they can carry on their backs.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

An ongoing resource-gathering mission. Yes, it takes that long.

TIP: Prioritize getting March Slots, if possible. The more units you can send on to the field, the better.

Celestial Globe

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

The Celestial Globe: Your trove of idle missions.

The Celestial Globe is your access to getting rewards by completing quests near your Estate. You can take the initiative to target any Threat (the term for the ‘undead’ in the map) and take a few resources scattered around the area. But the Celestial Globe gives you a few things solo Marches do not. One of the most significant advantages of doing these missions is that you get additional rewards from finishing a said task, thus giving more benefits.

The Celestial Globe in Stormshot divides its ‘Divination Quests’ into three types: Undead Army Garrisons, Refugee Camps, and Treasure Caves.

Undead Army Garrisons

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

A few skeletons will be rattled by now.

Undead Army Garrisons are your standard kill missions. You send a warband towards their position and watch as they get annihilated by your troops or theirs if you have insufficient manpower. They are the second fastest mission to complete, and the time it takes to do so depends on how far the threat is, to begin with. They take about 50 Lord Stamina and are the usual stamina drain in this game.

Refugee Camps

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Freebies in videogame form.

Refugee camps are the fastest ones you can finish and do not require march slots. Because they need no manpower, Marches (or trips to them, as they require no troops) travel faster. While they only contain a few troops to spare in general, the fact that they need no Lord Stamina allows you to reap beneficial gains without any loss.

TIP: Pick these missions immediately once you spot them.

Treasure Caves

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Treasure Island could not be what it is without treasure. In turn, treasure caves are a given in this game. They are the longest to complete (though not as colossal as Gathering in Resources Nodes) out of the three Divination Quests. However, they only require a few troops (a minimum of 1) to spare on your party, but it doesn’t hurt to have a lot to search an entire cavern’s worth.

TIP: Due to how long Treasure Caves take, they are the last missions you should finish.

Sea Master Statue

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

In the game’s lore, the Sea Master separated its treasures among the land of men, granting Power to those who wish to seek said artifacts. Whether they are used for good or evil is up to the user, though the Sea Master’s intentions are that should an artifact be misused, they only bring trouble to those that do. This is a game anyway, so why should you be bothered?

The Sea Master Statue is a building that gives you access to incredibly broken abilities (or none at all since all players have this). It gives you either buffs your settlement or troops or an appealing advantage against an opponent. Sea Master equipment can only be obtained by doing Chapter Missions (received at the end of it). Its gems are obtained by doing Sharpshooter segments.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

A fully-slotted piece of equipment.

For each piece of equipment, you gain with the Sea Master, the more you gain passive benefits from the equipment (such as the ones specified in the screenshot above). However, the most prominent mainstay of the Sea Master’s Statue is its ability for each piece of equipment that is fully slotted. These abilities can be called from the Estate screen and have a general cooldown of 24 hours.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

A fully-upgraded piece of equipment.

Ancient Tombs

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

So ancient, even if it overrides the message.

No self-proclaimed Treasure Island can be one without its own set of… ancient tombs full of undead horrors that guard its secrets? Well, they are still fantasy creatures, nonetheless. And the Ancient Tombs section of this game is no exception.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

You can either be a mindless brute…

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

This gameplay loop can be described as a dungeon-crawler RPG. It pits you through a set of levels in a given ‘Section’ and blasts your way through. There is much more to Ancient Tomb than meets the eye. Clearing Sections and Levels gives you bountiful rewards and Permanent Passives that give you an advantage outside the Ancient Tomb. Don’t bother with the logic; this is how the game works.


Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Your Creation is what you send to the Ancient Tomb due to the toxic environment of the area. It has its own set of stats and its own Experience, similar to that of an RPG. They also have their own set of armor and equipment and their own Skills. If you are familiar with the RPG genre, then there’s no need to look further. If you aren’t, Stormshot’s Ancient Tomb can just be summarized into this:

As long as your HP doesn’t drop to 75% during your first Battle in a level, then you’re good.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Their skills are also categorized into three categories as well. Some skills give your Creation an advantage, as well as giving your troops an advantage. Your Creation’s existence merely buffs your troops above, oddly enough.

The Tombs

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

The Ancient Tomb has its own stamina system and its own separated progression. Each time you finish a Section of the Ancient Tomb, you are given rewards from the chest shown and Troop passives. Levels require 6 stamina to complete. Only Levels not indicated with a skull can be ‘Plundered’ multiple times, thus allowing the Creation to grind certain levels for Experience and items.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure


Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Here comes the exciting part.

When exploring a level, you are treated to the view of the area. The top left corner of the screen indicates your HP and Mana, and the top right corner shows where you are currently in the area. Green arrows (that you can press) indicate areas that you can explore. Your skills and your inventory are found at the bottom right-hand part of the screen.

Three possible things can happen when entering a room: an empty hall, a chest lying on the floor, or a hungry fiend finding its new prey.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

We won’t dwell much on the first two. We’ll dwell on the latter one.

This Battle also doesn’t have much player agency aside from picking your target, selecting your Skills, and watching as the enemy crumbles before you. Or you fold against your enemy. There are only two outcomes, as usual. Joking aside, The first Battle in the Level decides precisely how your entire level run will go.

As stated before, your run is dead when you see your opponent shave off 25% of your health. While there are skills that allow you to mitigate such an attempt, there should be a visual indicator that gives you an idea of how screwed you are in the end. If you are indeed screwed, level up your equipment and try again.

Losing does not grant you back the Experience you have wasted at the Level.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

There are two types of battles, the regular ones and the Guardian ones. Regular battles only have one mook that you can clobber and are generally tough yet don’t hit as hard as much. Guardian battles take the cake; you are pitted against 3 foes (2 mooks and 1 boss) that deal 3 times as much damage and have the same HP distribution as a Regular battle.

There are only three battles in a level. 2 Regular ones and 1 Guardian Battle. You can see where the previously emphasized tip came from.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure


Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Level 69 is 55 levels away!

There are only 16 rooms in the tombs (considering their 4×4 grid nature). There are 5~6 chests and 3 battles to take note of. Be aware that battles will consistently be spaced alongside each other. If you go through two fights in a row, expect the Guardian of the Level to be near.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

The insides of the chest will thoroughly disappoint you.

You can navigate the area still even after the Guardian is dead. However, by that point, you would’ve combed the area of monsters by then. The Level ends when you claim the remaining treasures.


Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

It wouldn’t be a FunPlus game without its diverse set of characters. While the Heroes do not give any sort of story overall, they are nonetheless your Elites when it comes to the field. They have their own levels and unique Star Level (or dupes in Gacha terms) mechanic. You can obtain Heroes via the Tavern, and each has its own sets of strengths and weaknesses specified to them.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

To upgrade a Hero’s Level, you must manually give the Hero you wanted to level up with Hero EXP items. To boost a Hero’s Star Level, you must use Duplicates of said Hero to increase it. Increasing a hero’s Star Level allows you to increase the Level Cap and several other benefits, allowing you to power up the Hero further.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Duplicates are also used to upgrade a Hero’s Skill and unlock said skills. Discharging a hero gives you Skills Points that you can allocate to upgrade a Hero’s Skill. As for unlocking abilities, it requires you to sacrifice a Duplicate or an Instructor of the same rarity (not higher, mind you). S-Rank Heroes are different in that they share the same ‘rarity’ as the S-Ranks, thus allowing them to use A-Rank rarities.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

TIP: Discharge only Duplicates of Heroes that have their Star Levels maxed out.

Classification by Rarity

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

If there is a rarity system, there will always be a power imbalance. S-Rank heroes are colored golden in their backgrounds, and A-Rank heroes are purple. B-Rankers are blue, and C-Ranks are green. The more you go up the ladder, the higher the power rating of a hero can get. Vice-versa. Starting S-rank Heroes have a whopping 2 Million Power, whereas the measly C-Rank has only around 40 Thousand Power.

Do not be discouraged by the disparity. S-Ranks are harder to level up due to their ludicrous requirements, with A-Ranks being a steady line between rare and possible. Anything else under their heels can be easily ignored. Because of the commonality of C-Ranks, they are best used as cannon fodder for Skills Points. The same goes for B-Ranks.

TIP: Always pick the ones with the higher Hero Power ratings.

Stormshot beginner's guide: Make Estate establishment a top priority

Strengthen your troops and heroes

Heroes and troops are integral to defending your Estate from harm. As you progress, you'll encounter increasingly formidable challenges coming from opponents. Your optimal strategy must be to upgrade your team of Heroes and troops consistently from the beginning. Upgrading heroes amplifies both damage and troop capacity. For starters, I recommend investing in Westley and Wilfred, as it can significantly bolster your troops' damage output.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

Furthermore, it's essential to keep your troops in constant training. Whenever you're playing the game, make sure that the training facilities are consistently occupied.

Stormshot beginner's guide: Join a high-ranking Alliance

You'll unlock the Alliance feature after just a few Stronghold upgrades. Avoid making the mistake of joining low-ranking alliances. Many of them tend to stay inactive and fail to maximize rewards for their members. To find the top 10 alliances, go to your profile, then click on Leaderboard. Here, all the top-ranking alliances will appear. Find the one with space and ask to join.

It's important to note that it's extremely tough to level up your Stronghold all by yourself as you progress. Joining an active and top-ranking alliance is crucial for support. You'll be able to clear stronger camps around the world and collect rare rewards that would be impossible without a strong alliance. Therefore, remember this Stormshot beginner's guide tip while joining an alliance.

Play Stormshot: Isle of Adventure on PC

Stormshot is accessible on both mobile and PC platforms. If you're currently playing on mobile, I strongly advise downloading the game on PC as well. The larger screen size not only enhances your gaming experience but also reduces potential lags, especially as you unlock new features.

So, if you're interested in enjoying Stormshot to its full potential, take my advice and check our guide on how to play Stormshot on PC and Mac. You don't have to worry about lost game data. You can promptly recover your progress by logging into the game through the same social account you used on your smartphone.

Use Mermaid's assistance

In addition to numerous other captivating elements, players will also come across mermaids in this pirate-themed game. These mermaids can be utilized to collect resources from shipwrecks.

Stormshot: Isle of Adventure

By sending gifts to mermaids, players can enhance their Affection Level and reap greater rewards. Advancing in the game unlocks new mermaids, each providing unique benefits that improve as the Affection Level rises.

Don't forget the inventory in Stormshot beginner's guide

While this tip may seem obvious, it remains crucial, as many new players overlook the resources sitting idle in their inventory. Some essential resources include Speedups, Gold, Weapon Chests, and Alliance Teleport. Players can utilize these resources as early as possible in order to grow quickly, especially by using Speedups. If you find yourself short on certain resources during a building upgrade, remember to check your inventory and redeem the required items from there.

Now equipped with these helpful Stormshot tips and tricks for starting your journey, we wish you fast progress and abundant growth ahead. Do you know any essential beginner tips that aren't mentioned in this Stormshot beginner's guide? Let us know in the comments. Happy Gaming!

Game Features

◆ Unique levels every time

Test your mettle with 500 challenging levels, strategize and navigate through each puzzle swiftly. Pro tip: to be a top contender, it's not just about making the right choice; planning ahead, mastering timing, and executing flawlessly are crucial.

◆ Uncover mysteries in the misty landscape with diverse strategic gameplay.

Traverse the Treasure Island veiled in mist, trust your instincts to unearth lost treasures, conquer enigmatic ghosts, and battle the fearsome Sea Monster!

◆ Gather treasures to restore ancient artifacts and decipher inexplicable riddles.

◆ Strengthen your Stronghold and form alliances with fellow adventurers on the Treasure Isle; they'll aid you through challenges and lead you to the greatest treasure of all on this voyage!

Game Keywords:

shooting games, strategy games, shooter games, Brain games, adventure games

Encountering issues? Contact us at contact_st@funplus.com

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  • Version3.19.0
  • UpdateSep 30, 2024
  • DeveloperFunPlus International AG
  • CategoryStrategy
  • Requires AndroidAndroid 5.0+
  • Downloads8M+
  • Package Namecom.sivona.stormshot.e
  • Signatureffd0219b57f45ba55e9075f99ce7d8f2
  • Available on
  • ReportFlag as inappropriate
User Reviews
4.3 4 Reviews
  • amy tibbitts
    amy tibbitts

    Game is fun but has some problems. You should play it while alert. Building resources is okay but can get complex at higher levels. PvP events are the best part, very thrilling. However, there are two main problems: 1) You need to spend a lot of money to get the best items and heroes, making it pay to win. 2) The game pushes you to attack weaker players, which is not nice for them.

  • Scott Northall
    Scott Northall

    Sounds like the game is more complex than expected. We just want to shoot from unique angles, but it's got a lot going on - storylines, upgrades, building, and all that. Reminds me of why I stopped liking Tomb Raider and Assassin's Creed. It's just too overwhelming. I'd rather keep it simple. Sitting through a long 5-minute story just for a quick 2-second chance to shoot? Not worth it for a short 10-minute break. Uninstalling.

  • Omar Nisar
    Omar Nisar

    The game is so addictive. You definitely need to spend your money to grow quickly, or you'll be left behind and easily beaten by stronger players. It's a really engaging game with lots of different items that make it more complex. Having good strategies and a game plan is important too. And finding the right group to team up with is crucial for growth.

  • Sandra Haggins
    Sandra Haggins

    You like this game, but it's frustrating how long building upgrades take. You can only play every other day because you have to wait for buildings to upgrade. Some upgrades take a whole day, and you need them done to finish chapters. You don't have money to buy speed boosts for such long waits.

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  • Name: Stormshot: Isle of Adventure
  • Package Name: com.sivona.stormshot.e
  • Signature: ffd0219b57f45ba55e9075f99ce7d8f2